Team Building Go Team - Back to the office - Universum



Team Building Go Team – Back to the office

21 May 2020

Preparations for the return to the office begin in the coming period and we are looking to reconnect with our teams. And since outdoor outings or a dinner at a restaurant are not exactly possible, we propose another option, the one we prefer the most, creative activities team!

A very appropriate concept with which we come to meet you, at this important moment for all members of your team, is Go Team – Back to the office!

This concept allows you all not only to respect the recommended physical distance but to be able to do this in a unique way that involves all of you in the action, either individually or in teams.< /span>

And to make a thematic challenge out of this meeting, we propose to gamify the entire experience of returning to the office, by knowing the elements that will help us to continue our activity as before but also to stay safe .

Team Building Go Team

How does this concept work?

Each of you will have to solve different challenges that will make you < span style="color: #3f3f3f;">creativity, challenge your teamwork skills and put your mind to the contribution to find the best solutions.

Some examples of challenges you can do are as follows:

  • In your transit to the office, count those people who are equipped with a protective mask;
  • Identifies where disinfectant dispensers are located in your building;
  • Boost the morale of colleagues with a smile, it shows even under the mask! Demonstrate in a selfie;
  • Invent a new way to greet your colleagues! Film yourself to remember more easily.

The GO Team platform can be customized for any type of theme and need and is suitable for groups from 2 to 1,000+ participants. In addition, just as customizable are the challenges which can range from taking a simple picture or a funny video to interact safely with others or even with the environment.

We like to keep things simple for participants, so one of the prettiest layouts< /span> to this activity is the fact that to get involved you need only a phone, so that you can enjoy of the experience as easily as possible.

We invite you to < b>get in touch to create a memorable experience for your team too!