How does the purpose of an organization influence employee engagement? - Universum



How does the purpose of an organization influence employee engagement?

12 May 2015

[cml_media_alt id='5148']19. how does the purpose of an organization affect employee engagement[/cml_media_alt]

The goal becomes an opportunity, it basically gives the opportunity for the leader to say “Hey, let’s try something new!” and thus offers the possibility for his team to innovate. In order to innovate, you have to give people the chance to think differently, give them the freedom to come up with different opinions to discover new ways of doing things. Create the right framework and people will come to innovate.

The success of an organization consists in the fact that people know what they do and why they do it. In short, the “goal” is the action that brings impact and makes the organization evolve.

The moment people know the purpose of their actions, they become much more involved because they know their impact. For a goal to be very clear, the following three questions must have simple and clear answers:

1. What is our vision?
It is, indeed, an aspirational question. In this case, we can make a simple parallel with that moment when a teenager wonders what is the most suitable career path. Vision emerges from a sense of purpose. Form that “why”.

2. What is our mission?
Most of the time, this question has a simple answer because it involves looking at what you are doing. Mission is that “what.” For example, UNIVERSUM Events’ mission is to “increase energy and passion in organizations” through our activities.

3. What are our values?
The vision or mission cannot be valid if they are not supported by strong values. Values shape the organizational culture. But people want more than appropriate behavior; they want to work in an environment where cooperation and collaboration are important. They want their activity to count and be recognized. Values reinforce certain behaviors that employees value.

If these questions have their answers, allow time in meetings to discuss them. These questions raise an “outside-the-box” thinking, the definition of the goal is a leadership exercise suitable to be debated in company meetings. Leaders can influence the goal, but employees are the ones who have ownership of the goal.


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