TB or not TB? - Universum



TB or not TB?

05 Aug 2015

[cml_media_alt id=' 5441']33 TB or not TB (ro)[/cml_media_alt]

Teambuilding activities have the power to inspire your participants to work better as a team to achieve a common goal.

If you haven’t organized a team building for your team this year, this autumn is suitable for this. Besides the fact that it is the last quarter of the year, and the participants will be more motivated to achieve their goals, but also because since the beginning of the year, in your company, a series of moments have happened that may have put the teams to the test .

Below are just some of the reasons why we encourage you to organize a team building for your team:

• Fun – a team building, first of all it brings positive energy and a lot of fun!

• Improves communication – adding to the fun part and the efficiency part in communication, your company can have a complete team building

• A Common Experience – there are studies that show that a common experience lived with friends or colleagues strengthens the relationships between them. It is exactly like when you go to a concert and meet new people, at the end you are no longer strangers, but at least you have a common experience.

• Promotes Interaction – teambuilding activities encourage interaction between people, overcoming the barriers imposed by the position held in the company.

• Change – if there are changes in your company, a team building can create the perfect framework to make the transition to them. Whether we are talking about increasing the team, merging with another company or changing the management team, team building is an excellent method to deal with change brilliantly.

• Celebrate together – maybe your company won an award, has an anniversary or any other occasion that can be celebrated with a unique team building.

So, this fall, freshmen and… happy participants are counted! Where else can this year’s success be celebrated with an exceptional Christmas Party !