In the planning of any event, you also come across the word “engagement” in addition to the location, catering, band or DJ or the experience of the participants.
Part of this experience, the participation of the participants represents the success of the event.
But how do you measure the engagement of the participants?
The website is the catalyst of your brand, and measuring engagement through Google Analytics is mandatory. From Event goals, page goals, time and link goals.
Event App
The event application is mandatory in the conditions where the smartphone is in our hands so many hours a day – almost everything that surrounds us has an application that we use.
The event application is a treasure in analyzing the behavior of the participants.
#HashtagIsCool and mandatory for your event.
Most of the world uses Facebook or Instagram, that’s why images or posts are accompanied by hashtags. Keeping track of the hashtag is a very handy method to measure engagement.
Among the most used methods are tools to collect feedback, both from participants and speakers. You can use a QR code, the event application or newsletters. The best results come from filling out the form immediately after the event, which is very fresh.
I also mentioned in a recent article about activities that can lead to increasing the engagement of participants.
However, here is black and white how you can increase engagement and how success can be measured:
“Content is King”
…and we’re not the only ones saying this, said Bill Gates in 1996! In 2018, the content is still the most accessible link between the objectives of the event and the participants. What has changed over the years is the content format – from text, to images and video – that has taken the form of event experiences.
Event App
A person unlocks his phone approximately 110 times a day. The smart phone is part of the daily lifestyle. That’s why event organizers have developed applications that not only help the events run flawlessly, but also have features that look directly at the participants. For example, through My Connector not only the event registration process is simpler, but you can ask questions to the speakers, you can talk to the other participants in the event or you can evaluate the sessions and their content.
Voting App or Live Q&A
There are many Q&A or voting tools. These applications not only increase your engagement in the event but also help you collect vital information for the following events.
Taking questions from the room with the help of the microphone is already something classic, but how about giving it a fun twist? With the help of Catchbox, you can turn the Q&A session into a funny game and help you win the time between microphone passes.
+ super important: Location Design
I left the most important thing at the end – the Design of the Location, it must be a help in increasing engagement, not a saboteur. For example, in a round table setting, participants can interact with each other and create activities within the teams. In a “council” structure with inward-facing tables, it is ideal for small groups, creating a space where participants can get to know each other much more easily.