How to Promote Innovation at the Office - Universum



How to Promote Innovation at the Office

25 May 2016

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It is hard to imagine that at the beginning of the 20th century innovation had a negative connotation for business, being seen as an element of novelty without a purpose. Today, the concept of innovation is ubiquitous, becoming even desirable for any strategy. Practically, innovation has become part of everyone’s job.

But despite all the talk around innovation, how can a company actively maintain a culture of innovation?

Hire people who are excited about your products or services, this aspect being the most important for encouraging innovation. If the team feels connected by the brand, finding solutions, improving relations with suppliers and customers and creating the strongest relationships between team members are just a few aspects that will only have to win. A positive organizational culture is acquired through the energy, passion, enthusiasm and a critical eye of each team member.

Innovation is backed by a strong organizational culture. The creative process can be killed very easily by stress, fear of failure and constant workload. In order to cultivate the fruits of an internal strategy based on innovation, the organizational culture must draw some directions in which the employees enjoy flexibility regarding the schedule, space to create and even assume mistakes without feeling pressure.

Part of the recruitment process for innovation is also recruitment for diversity. Creativity is achieved when a diverse group works in an ideation process, when ideas pass to each of the team members and still remain standing. It may seem more productive a place where everyone agrees with everyone, but a healthy debate can bring an impulse to the innovation process.

Taking the experience of your colleagues beyond the barriers of the Job description can be a way to bring a refresh. Encouraging them to analyze what other players or other industries are doing, and then implementing it, can be a great addition to the business.

The learning process is essential for the innovation strategy of a business and here we are talking about learning techniques such as lateral thinking, mind-mapping or trainings in which it is encouraged out-of-the-box thinking. At the same time, don’t forget to support the ideation process, every idea deserves to be heard and taken into account.

Starting from the fear of the 20th century, innovation must be seen in results. Allocate time and resources to develop and implement those ideas that deserve action, otherwise not only will the innovation process directly affect your colleagues but also the business.

If you want to create an active innovation plan for your team, our team of Innovators is at your disposal >>