The Best Coach - The Client - Universum



The Best Coach – The Client

15 Nov 2017

by Anna Maza, Event Ambassador

Organizing events is about solutions, people and ideas. The people who coordinate them know that no event is like another, and the strict rules are lost in the face of clients with complex requests, last-minute problems or capricious weather that takes everyone by surprise on the day of the event.

But nothing compares to the satisfaction in the soul of an organizer when the event turned out perfectly, and the client becomes a collaborator, even a long-term partner, because he managed to feel the necessary trust. So, in event management, even if the people for whom you have to come up with solutions may seem demanding, they are, in reality, vital for the extensive development of both you and the company.

The client with complex requests and high expectations has become a leitmotif present in the lives of all those who work with people, but we tend to believe that things don’t have to be so complicated. The solution is always communication and the way it is applied to each individual situation. Initially, the pressure may seem to be too much to work with a client who is difficult to please. But, after going through this experience, you will notice that in fact it has brought you more advantages and benefits than you would have thought, while communicating with easy-to-please people can become a challenge-free routine.

Although it may seem that a client who asks you for impossible things will completely exhaust you, this experience will actually make you develop, in that you will become more flexible and adapt to his needs. These clients will demand so much from you that you will end up changing your personal communication techniques to accommodate their interests. And the more you communicate, the better you will become. When you are faced with a complicated relationship with a client, you actually have only two options: either become more flexible or withdraw. Considering that the second option is not really a happy option to consider in communication with clients, it is necessary to look for as many means as possible to improve communication techniques. This way you can end up conveying exactly what you intend and make yourself completely understood by the interlocutor.

In psychology, there is a long discussion about the principle of mirrors, which says something like this: the relationships established between people represent a reflection in the mirror of their own person. In the case of a relationship with a more demanding client, it’s interesting to see what happens when we mirror their way of communication, adjusting our tone of voice, vocabulary, maybe even body language, to get on the same wavelength as theirs. Thus, the client gets to feel understood and appreciated by you, creating a favorable relationship between you.

In communication, perspective plays a major role: people’s opinions are based on their experiences up to that moment. By constantly referring to their level of knowledge and expertise, you will be able to understand the differences between your perspective and that of the client, being able to communicate better with him. In fact, you learn to be an empathetic person.

However, to gain trust when negotiating with a complicated client, you won’t be able to rely on feelings alone. Real data and facts will become your true friends, because they will help you strengthen your arguments and value.

Many times, patience can be an ally of the event organizer, because by actively listening, you understand the message behind the words. Thus, you can offer exactly that element that the collaborator failed to express. Dealing with this type of customers can bring you to the point where you want to give up and quickly get rid of the problems. However, if you manage to stay in position without getting beat, you will leave behind this experience with many personal development lessons that you have already assimilated. And besides that, you didn’t even have to pay for this coaching 🙂

Looking at things from the client’s perspective, it becomes obvious that he first of all wants to be understood. It is necessary for him to feel that his needs have been understood and fulfilled and that, in the end, the solution found is the right one. In addition, he will come to trust you, through the prism of your efforts and your communication, and will become a long-term partner.