Arhive conferinta - Universum



3 basic principles of an effective meeting

28 Apr 2015

17. 3 basic principles of an effective meeting

Certainly, we all agree that being late for a session/meeting/conference is not a pleasant thing. Time is your best friend, but how do you make sure it doesn’t turn into enemy number one?
Companies organize many meetings – weekly, departmental, project, sub-area, etc. – that’s why I penciled in these 3 basic principles to create an efficient meeting:

1 Objective, 1 Mission
Most meeting agendas are scheduled to the minute, and in this case the moderator has several goals to achieve in the same day. The simplest solution? Limiting objectives to one.
It is also important that the objective be realistically achievable in a single day, otherwise, an idea would be that the objective can be achieved in a series of events planned over time.

The Appropriate Moderator
Finding the right moderator can be quite a challenge depending on the format of the meeting and the objectives: interviews or panels, debates or interactive discussions with the participants.
The conclusion is simple: the more suitable the event format is to your style, the easier it will be to manage time, due to the fact that you best understand the format of the meeting and its objectives.

Focus on the right thing
When the meeting does not go according to the agenda, most of the wrong points are “sacrificed”. One of the most important objectives to be achieved is the outcome of the participants, in addition to interaction and networking. Therefore, some question marks intervene, such as: “Is it ok to remove the Q&A session or should we only give it 5 minutes?” or “Is it okay to remove a speaker from the line-up?”.

The participants need to sediment what they have seen, listened to and experienced throughout the day. If they are rushed from one session to another in a short time, this process will diminish or disappear, for these reasons: give time for reflection! 🙂

In conclusion, delays are not to anyone’s liking – from the moderator, who may end up being preoccupied with timing, to the participants who deserve a pleasant experience, to the host of the meeting.

These principles can bring an impact to the productivity of meetings. Implementation is a long process and requires a lot of discipline and consistency, but it ends up making a big difference in the productivity of organizations.