The importance of Company Values - Universum



The importance of Company Values

02 Sep 2015

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In recent years, there is constant talk about how the company’s values, mission and culture can be integrated into the company. But what are company values and why are they so important?

The company’s values support the vision, shape the culture and reflect what the company owns. These are the basis of the company’s identity – the principles, creeds and philosophy of values. There are many companies that only focus on technical skills, forgetting about the skills that humanize the brand. A set of strong values brings both internal and external advantages to the company, such as:

  • Improve processes – when there are moments when a decision must be made, it can be done through the filter of company values;
  • Improve the company-client relationship – the core values of the company can bring improvements in your relationship with clients, they find out simple and clear information about the company. This can become a competitive advantage. >
  • Improve recruitment tools – having a set of company values, the recruitment process becomes simpler, job seekers will do their homework regarding your company’s identity before applying for a job; also, for recruiters, the company’s values are paramount for creating the candidate’s profile.

Below is a list of 10 common core values of companies in various industries:

Chris Moody, author of the article “Startup Culture: Values vs. Vibe”, underlines the difference between values and vibes. The emotional part of the company represents the vibe (atmosphere), being correlated with the company’s reaction to the external environment. The example they give is “Work hard. Play hard”, this statement representing a vibe.

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