Did you know that the most desired employment benefit is the certainty of a balance between personal and professional life? Generation Y, especially its second half, seeks during the job interview to receive as much evidence as possible regarding the existence of this balance. If they do not receive them, the majority will not accept the offer, or at least those who are determined to perform in a constructive work environment.
It is true, employers cannot completely dictate the balance, but they can encourage and train employees so that they create their own way of working that accelerates productivity, without forgetting their personal life. If an employee is unhappy at work, it will certainly be very difficult for him to be happy after the end of the program, and the balance will not be balanced at all, leaving stress to “put sticks in his wheels”.
Here are 5 tricks you can use to reduce the stress of your employees:
#1 Prepare the leaders – Do not leave a team or department head, responsible only for the fulfillment of tasks. A team performs and fulfills its objectives when it is supported, encouraged, but especially appreciated. A true leader knows how to allocate activities to get the best result, giving each member the chance to do what he likes, what makes him happy, using as few resources and energy as possible. Analyze if the company’s leaders can adopt this behavior. If there is room for improvement, invest in their training through Training sessions and Team Building.
#2 Find out what they want – Every employee should know what that “Big Picture” looks like, what the company’s goals are and how he contributes to their fulfillment, but what happens when an employer doesn’t does he know what the personal goals of the employees are? It’s simple, they either leave or continue without having a balanced balance between their personal and professional lives, wasting their energy and potential. It is not easy, however, to find out what the people who work with you want. As a leader, you owe it to yourself to develop environments conducive to these sharings. A good way to combine the useful with the pleasant is to organize a Team Building in which not only you learn about them, but and at the team level there should be an exchange of information. This can lead in the short term to the increase of trust in colleagues, in the manager, but also in oneself, and in the long term to results associated with personal satisfaction.
#3 Offer them financial education – The main source of stress from personal life is related to material shortcomings, where it is often the essential ones. Once you have reanalyzed the assigned tasks and the salary package, make sure that the employees who show signs of tension and financial unfulfillment know how to manage their own budget. Due to limited free time, most of them do not pay attention to management, which generates unhappiness, even at work and affects productivity. Include in the agenda of regular trainings and sessions that refer to this aspect and you will notice how they will work without worries.
#4 More …Work from Home – It may seem like the simplest method by which you can let an employee spend time at home, but if you don’t give trust and attention to this, even those who do performance working from home, they will no longer feel free to opt for this option. Support from the manager is needed for those moments when someone does not have enough energy to come to the office, needs peace or simply wants to serve lunch at home with the family, and request a day of Work from Home is an act of courage.
#5 Periodically reallocate the tasks – To stay or not to stay over the schedule, that is the question! Speaking of resources and how much free time means to any employee, how would it decrease more and more and he would have to extend his working time to bring the required results? If this happens often, there is no need to wait, find solutions. The extension of the work schedule leads to a huge decrease in the efficiency in solving tasks, fatigue and as little pleasure as possible to come to the office. These attract by themselves and their inability to develop pleasant activities in the remaining free time, having a continuous need for rest. Reanalyze the job description of each employee and the general tasks at the team level. A mix or their reallocation can be the solution that saves a lot of time and energy.
The effort to maintain balance in personal and professional life is similar to the effort to maintain balance while riding a bicycle. It is enough for one wheel not to go well for the whole bike to be unable to move. A balance between personal and professional life is balanced when, at the end of a working day, employees still have energy and can afford to allocate time for family, sports, friends, relaxation or even carrying out other activities that maximize their potential, and fulfilling them is also the responsibility of the employer, giving him the right environment.