It can be seen how diversity influences both companies and internal processes, as well as relationships with clients, suppliers or other external stakeholders. Therefore, the following question arises: why is it recommended for companies to focus on diversity?
Diversity comes with a series of elements: cultural, linguistic, religious, social status or age diversity, and its impact can be beneficial to the organization if it is approached appropriately. There is a thin line between the advantages and disadvantages brought by diversity, that is why diversity management is very important.
Why is a diverse team beneficial to your organization?
With so many different and diverse minds, out-of-the-box solutions are more common. Each member of the team contributes in his own style to brainstorming, ideation sessions or innovation processes.
Diversity provides the right context for different personalities and talents to work for a common goal using a set of skills that strengthens the relationship between team members and increases its productivity.
The uniqueness of your colleagues’ experiences are strongly beneficial for teamwork. Each team member has strengths and weaknesses derived from previous experiences. If they are properly managed, they can complement the weak points, creating a unique harmony, and the team’s impact should be immediate.
Another benefit brought by diversity is the personal growth of employees. Exposure to new ideas, different cultures and perspectives can lead each team member to a higher level of knowledge. Spending time with a culturally diverse team can break certain subconscious barriers dictated by ethnocentrism and xenophobia.
Diversity can influence the base of any organization, a diverse team if not managed properly can create unwanted effects. So, ignoring the effects or the existence of diversity in a society that is constantly growing will only lead to loss of productivity and, most importantly, to loss of profitability.