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How to create a collaborative space: 5 personalization elements

02 Mar 2015

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Leon Festinger, Stanley Schachter and Kurt Back raised the question “how was friendship formed?”, why some people build friendships that last for years. Several experts, including Sigmund Freud, argue that the formation of a friend can be traced back to childhood, when the values, beliefs and attitudes are formed which later are decisive factors in the creation of friendships. But Festinger, Schachter and Back came up with another theory, which contemporary prophets such as Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin (Google) and Larry Page ended up implementing. These experts consider that the physical space and the time spent in it are the elements of creating friendship.

Research shows that an employee is happy when collegial relationships are passed to the level of friends, given the fact that we end up spending a good part of the day at work.

From the right colors, to spaces intended for telephone conversations or offices where silence prevails, work spaces must be a combination between structure and fluidity. Thus, we created a list of 5 elements to be taken into consideration when creating workspaces:

  1. Design Matters
    When you choose your holiday accommodation, do you choose a room with fluorescent light or one with monotonous gray walls? The answer is obvious. The same applies to offices, design matters, given the fact that employees end up spending 9 hours a day.
  2. Personalization
    Family photos, plants or wall-stickers, elements that employees can bring to the office, and their impact is huge, so that employees end up creating a community. In addition, “they end up behaving more naturally, which brings a good input for innovation and creativity. When you add trust and comfort to a relationship, people end up assuming certain responsibilities.” (Kevin Kuske, Turnstone General Manager).
  3. Organize the office by zones
    Like a city, the office should be organized by areas, for example if you want to have a conversation go to the kitchen or the terrace, if you want a more secluded place or to have a private conversation you can go to an area where there are sofas or if you you want a relaxing break or a refresh from what you are doing, you can go to the terrace or the yard.
  4. Branding and organizational culture
    It is very important to align the office space with the organization’s brand and culture. From extra mascots, to gadgets, objects that the company creates, pictures painted by employees during team building events
  5. (re)creative spaces
    Plants, light and all elements related to nature are small changes that it is good to adopt in the company. Studies show that natural light is beneficial to health and even helps to increase creativity. Also, we all like to be playful from time to time, maybe for some it’s closer to a lifestyle, that’s why a game room or a recreational space is more than welcome in an office space.< /li>

Allow employees to be creative in their own way, whether they customize the things on the desk to their liking, some prefer to write with a pencil and others prefer a digital component. All this helps to create a community within your company, and a community can aim so high that the results end up being more than great.


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