10 Team Building Activities for the Top Management Team - Universum



10 Team Building Activities for the Top Management Team

28 Sep 2015

It is well known that the management team of the company has an essential role in the synergy of each department, implicitly of the entire company. If it encounters problems at the level of understanding and communication, they fall on the entire organization.

That is why it is recommended that periodically the Top Management team go through a series of team building activities with clear objectives on the desired topics.

Here is a list of unique team building activities suitable for the Top Management team:


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Your team becomes an elite military group. Live the military experience with one and one missions: morning roll-call, preparing lunch, finding bombs and defusing them.

Choose a unique experience for your team >> Military Camp is the product of the month. Ask for more details at contact@universum.ro!


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The elegance of a game of golf can be translated very well into excellent lessons in leadership and communication, especially when it comes to a small group.


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Special moments and unique experiences given by your team that forms an orchestra. Only stringed instruments and a team willing to perform in just two hours.


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An indescribable energy that lives a unique experience at sea. Your team, a large yacht and a trainer with national vice-champion status.


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112, Crime Solvers International! Your team turns into detectives ready to solve the mystery of a crime with the help of several details: the 112 call, interviews with suspects, images from the crime scene or autopsy reports.


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Explosion of energy and a city explored in a digital way! Treasure hunt with funky missions and many creative pictures! 😀


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Your team put on the alchemist’s robe and enters the Universum labs to prepare the essence of a great team!


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Accepta provocarea unei experiente de supravietuire in salbatacie! Cu ajutorul unui trainer experimentat echipa va invata sa gaseasca resursele pentru a putea supravietui.


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O cursa intre caluti balansoar iar pariurile pe acestia sunt un mod fantastic de a strange bani pentru caritate. La sfarsitul fiecarui eveniment, calutii cei mai populari vor fi vanduti celui care care liciteaza cel mai mult.


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Exploreaza traditia si arta eleganta a bautului de whisky. Este o activitate potrivita serilor continuandu-se cu o petrecere tematica.

Daca iti doresti sa organizezi un team building pentru echipa de Top Management, UNIVERSUM iti sta la dispozitie cu solutii creative pentru obiectivele tale → contact@universum.ro