Adapted Learning and Modern Learning - Universum



Adapted Learning and Modern Learning

17 Nov 2015

[cml_media_alt id='6029']43 Adapted Learning[/cml_media_alt]

Chris, a young, ambitious marketing specialist, who loves his job and wants to evolve. His entire experience is divided between many working hours, messages and emails to which he must respond, tight deadlines, meetings and meetings. In short, he is overwhelmed and distracted.

The last thing on his mind is a long training session.

But Chris wants and needs to improve his skills and knowledge to keep up with his responsibilities. The training department does not offer what he wants, so he ends up looking for information on social networks, most of the time Google answers- and in interviews.

What Chris needs is Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is a powerful technology that automatically adjusts employee information based on results. Its purpose is to constantly provide the necessary information to cover the knowledge deficits, without providing the employees with information that is not necessary for them.

A series of algorithms analyze the performance of employees in learning sessions and provide them with the right content to cover the identified gaps or adjust the content to be more challenging. The more the employees’ performance improves, the more the respective algorithms provide more information, taking the whole process into a more complex sphere.

So how can Adapted Learning help Chris?

Relevant information in a timely manner. Because Adapted Learning accepts inputs that define what Chris knows, thus adapting to his knowledge and providing him with the missing information. This means that he spends quality time focused on learning that will help him grow with less effort.
Flexibility. In today’s business world, Chris’s role is constantly evolving. Job requirements change, and the level of knowledge fluctuates. Adapted learning involves the delivery of custom knowledge to cover its deficiencies. This makes Christ stop looking online for the necessary information, as it is delivered directly to him.

Growth opportunities. The operating principle of Adapted Learning is that it always evaluates the gaps and provides the necessary information to cover them. Thus, Chris’s knowledge improves, receiving more challenging information or broadening his learning area, based on knowledge and skill levels. It continues to be challenged and it progresses in a positive direction.

Adapted Learning is suitable for Chris’s program, ensuring quality for every minute of learning.

The article is taken and translated from the blog of our colleagues, Biz Group.< /a>