Compliant The study “IMPACT OF TEAM BUILDING EXERCISES ON TEAM EFFECTIVENESS” organizing a team building is an effective way to favor teamwork and its performance. The effects are evident when teams experience active learning, practice and constantly invest in the way they work within it.
Efficient teams are vital for any type of business, but especially in fields such as medicine, aviation or the military. An example mentioned in the study above showed that approximately 70% of errors in the medical environment are not due to technical mistakes by individuals, but rather as a result of existing deficits within teams. Thus, there is a critical need to improve the teams, having a major impact on those around them.
New teams vs. Stable teams
It has been found that the effects of teamwork within a team building have significantly greater effects on newly formed compared to teams that are already cohesive. Instead, team performance is strongly improved within already formed, stable teams.
Therefore, this type of activity not only improves the degree of knowledge between team members but, in fact, improves the performance of work processes in teams.
What type of teambuilding works for my team?
The answer to this question is never a standard one because every team has different needs and desires, but the answer can be easily discovered in a discussion with a team building consultant. He will always know to offer you the best solution because he can analyze all aspects for organizing a team building, from the number of participants to your budget.
However, we can give you food for thought until your next meeting with him. Think about what the goal is, both short-term and long-term – what is the course for your team? i>
Take the example above, where there is a newly formed team and a solid one that has been stable for years. In such a situation you may need to bring the two teams together, to get to know each other better so that when they work together there is little or no chance of failure.
Thus, organizing a team building for them would look like this: an accommodation activity – Go team, one of knowledge – Mini Olympics and one of closeness and success – Big Picture. And in the evening, a party where the barriers between them will fall.
Team Building vs. Teamwork
There may be slight confusion between the two terms, but they are two totally different concepts. Team Building focuses on the formation of a group, whereas teamwork focuses on the function of a group, but both are essential in the success equation. And by understanding the essence of both, you can increase the success of a team, and implicitly of your business.
The basics of a Team Building
You can look at them from two perspectives. The first one refers to the construction of a team through recruitment, or selecting members strategically from within the company or externally, but we do not refer to this aspect when discussing the actual team building activity. The second one refers to the involvement in personalized activities to improve personal and professional relationships within a team by organizing a team building. These having the role of cohesion, productivity and efficiency.
The basics of teamwork
Effective teamwork is based on factors such as good communication, mutual respect, complementary skills, good leadership and well-defined procedures. All this bringing success to a team.
Why is it important to organize a team building for your team?
- Improve communication – activities that involve discussions enable open communication between employees and management. And implicitly they lead to the improvement of relations and create a qualitative framework for the actual work.
- Motivate the team – as work teams become more open in expressing their opinions , the more confident they become in their own capabilities. Thus, they become more motivated in accepting new challenges.
- Promotes creativity – by exposing teams to new experiences you give them the opportunity to get out of the routine of office. Working together with other teams they can offer creative solutions to each other, so office work can also get other perspectives.
- Develop skills – from strategic, rational to creativity and offering solutions .
- Break down barriers – here we mean trusting other team members. For example, in large companies there is a barrier between the management body and the implementation teams. Team building activities offer the opportunity for management to take the position of colleague in the team. Which is an encouraging thing.
In conclusion
Bring that fantastic team building energy to the office! Whether we are talking about activities that also have a physical result, whether the result is one of attitude and energy.
For example, Big Picture – is an activity where teams paint a huge work that can be put on one of the walls of the building. Thus, seeing it 5/7 days they can remember with enthusiasm how pleasant it was in “that” teambuilding.
This is the thought that is recommended to have in mind when you decide to organize a team building for your team. It must have a development objective behind it, without forcing members to participate. The respective objective is indicated to be linked to one of the business objectives.
The effectiveness of such an event lies, in fact, in its appropriation in the staff development strategy and a follow-up workshop.