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Out Of Office: Teambuilding for Teams Working Remotely?

19 May 2018

In today’s society, virtual teams or remote working are more and more common. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 46% of the organizations that participated in the study have virtual teams.

This way of working is becoming more and more popular, for obvious reasons. Such an approach helps organizations to attract talented people and performers (top talents) who can work from anywhere, including from home, reducing costs and increasing productivity.

The question we raise is: how does this way of working compensate for the part of human interaction?

Trust, friendship and a team atmosphere are created much easier when the teams work from the same building, for 40 hours a week.


“You don’t need everyone physically together to create a strong culture. The best cultures derive from actions people actually take.” (Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson)


Here are some ideas under the umbrella of #theUNIVERSUMexperience for your teams:

Town-hall Meeting

flat out afloat teambuilding

The teams can be brought to the same place at least once a year, during a TownHall Meeting. Besides the fact that the results, objectives, strategies and directions of each department are presented, half of the agenda of the event can be given to a team building with all the participants.

Big Picture

big picture teambuilding

Big Picture is one of the most beloved teambuilding activities in our portfolio. It is very flexible in terms of customization and fulfills a wide range of objectives.

For teams that work from several offices, it is the kind of activity that remains in the memory of the participants, not only through the prism of the fact that the final painting can be created from the beginning modularly to install it on the walls of the offices, but also through the prism of the fact that it mirrors very realistic organizational culture.

Go Team

Go Team is a team building activity that follows the scenario of a treasure hunt through a digital interface, more precisely through tablets. Why is this activity suitable for teams working remotely? Because, no matter where in the world the participants are, they can take part in the activity.

Even the UNIVERSUM team participated in such a team building, in which a world record was set – a 24-hour team building, around the world together with the whole teamCatalyst Global

Virtual Teambuilding

In this case, the creativity of the team is the limit! From video meetings in which “MTV Cribs” scenarios can be recreated, pets can be presented, extensions within work platforms (Donut from Slack, for example), drop off via email and more and more team members are willing to try.

✉️ Does your company have teams that work remotely? Write to us in a comment how you help to increase the organizational culture.

How do you take your event to the next level?

08 May 2018

A foray into the agenda of a duo UNIVERSUM: Account & Project Manager

With lots of innovation, courage, creativity… and PEOPLE!

#TheUNIVERSUMexperience has been built over the years. This experience is based on our philosophy, that of Events Architects. The solutions we propose every time focus on the complete experience of the participant.
When our Account Manager builds the participant’s experience, he takes every moment of the event that the participant goes through and sets up every detail – from the first email received with the Save the Date of the event, to the MC, catering and the technical team.
We like to do things differently, and this has always been appreciated, both by the customer and the supplier. Here are the main pillars of an event and what is the impact of each one in the success of the event.

Communication of the event
We know it sounds classic, but communication is the key to absolutely everything. And by “all” we also mean the success of an event. It is very important that the participant is constantly informed about the event. The Save the Date is essential to ensure the presence of the participants. Subsequent updates – the final details of the event, communication during the event through various networking applications and, last but not least in turn, the post-event communication – in which it is advisable to ask for feedback from the participants, give them pictures and the wrap-up film of the event, these have the role of increasing the participant’s engagement.

Technical Team
Have you wondered who is behind that impressive projection, that giant screen or the lights that blend perfectly with the atmosphere of the event? It is an entire technical team that offers you a unique experience and puts you face to face with technology. This team is present there from the first minutes of setup and until after each participant has left the event. It is a team that has extraordinary energy, is attentive to details, communicates continuously with the implementation team.

Implementation Team
When we say Universum, we mean energy, and we don’t say it, but the clients say it. The implementation team makes sure that every detail presented in the design of the event experience happens as such. Depending on the size and degree of complexity of the event, the team can consist of 5, 10, 30 or 50 people. They have various roles: Project Manager – the one who has the vision of the entire event, Catering Responsible, Location Responsible, Technic Manager, Teambuilding Coordinator, Communication Responsible, Logistics Coordinator, Photographers, Cameramen, Activation Providers or other functions specific to the type of event.

Event activations
MC, speakers, intro video, photobooth, intro moment, brand activations, teambuilding activations, stands and product demos, VR, singing waiters. The activations in the event are interrelated with the theme, type and purpose of the event.
For example, if it is a company anniversary event, the success formula can be: Intro Video + MC + Photobooth + Orchestrate + Party, or if we are talking about a Sales Conference, we can combine with the theme of the event a Digital Dance Intro with MC, Speakers, Activations by Brand, wrap-up video and a cocktail party.


As in any type of event, the location plays a primary role. If the space is too small, everyone will feel cramped, on the other hand, if there is too much space, the feeling of empty space can be created.
For us, as organizers, it is important for the location to be as flexible as possible in the way the setup is done. From the decorations within the location that can be of great help or can sabotage you, to the space you have – if, for example, it is a larger room but has modular walls, you can juggle the space very easily.
Another important aspect is the distance to the location. If the location is central, it is the ideal scenario. However, if we are talking about a location outside the city, the participants must be provided with transportation from a central place to the location of the event.

So, as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, we like brave events, those that challenge us because we know that a challenge can only result in a unique experience for each participant. And, without challenges and changes, you cannot evolve.

If you want a different event for your team, you can write to us and one of our colleagues will contact you to establish the details necessary for success. Write to us

Gamification – Why Is It Becoming Indispensable For Events?

29 Mar 2018


Gradually, we have all noticed the growth in popularity of the ‘gamification’ trend, especially with the constant use of smartphones. 2 years ago I was talking about Gamification in Conferinte. However, today we talk about the essence and power of gamification when it is used in any type of event, exemplifying our conclusions through an applied case study.

First of all, let’s clarify what gamification does NOT mean. It is not just a simple download of an application.

gamification- events

Effect of Dopamine

Gamification works on the principle of rewards. Both online and offline games have a series of challenges that must be met – collecting coins, saving a character, solving puzzles or destroying blocks. Success is rewarded with a reward.

Looking at this from a scientific perspective, it is well known that in the human brain, any task done correctly, followed by a good result, determines a chemical result that influences the way we act: the release of dopamine. The gamification process works on the same principle. Challenge after challenge, level after level, reward after reward.

Within the events organized by us, there are various moments when we introduce activations that have the purpose of gamification. What we aim for every time is to implement the 4 superpowers of gamification within #theUNIVERSUMexperience: productivity, trust and cooperation, optimism and the message conveyed.

“We like to play like big people.”

When the goal becomes one in which the participants get to express their own thoughts and solutions vis-à-vis a given situation, the result is different. For example, in the case of Lego Serious Play, participants look for answers to various specific questions. The entire process must be facilitated by trainers specialized in Lego Serious Play.

The participants are divided into teams, and each team receives Lego pieces. As a first step, everyone must build the solution, from lego pieces, at the individual level, later at the group level. The final result is the answer to the question asked at the beginning of the session.

But Lego Serious Play is just an example, in our portfolio of solutions you can find various activities and activations gamification. The main idea behind them is to create a suitable and comfortable environment, where everyone can express themselves freely and without constraints or fear of making mistakes. Thus, they actually have the role of encouraging the participants to add more personal value to the work in the team.

Through the gamification process, you can educate and involve your audience in a unique way, offering a unique experience to the participants. If you are also considering gamification for the next event you are planning, we have (at least) an original idea on how we can customize it 🙂

Digital Event Management Solutions: Registration of Participants with the Help of Applications

27 Feb 2018


By Anna Măzăreanu, Event Ambassador

Participant registration at the event you are organizing does not always have to be a stressful activity that eats up your precious time. Fortunately, the event management industry is enjoying more and more of the presence of techy elements, which help to reduce queues at the entrance or to avoid unpleasant situations.

Without taking into account the digital ways of registering participants, there is the possibility of wasting precious time, dividing it between filling out forms, organizing statistics and leads and sending confirmation emails. So, how can you effectively manage the participants already registered online, those who register last minute or those who did not buy tickets to the event at all?

We encourage the use of digital event management solutions to create a better experience of online registrations, to automate the process of check-in, for further analysis of event success and last but not least, to raise the techy level of your project.

With the help of MyConnector and Fast Registration, the two Universum Events brand applications, organizers have the opportunity to manage event participants and save time and resources.

MyConnector is an integrated system , developed by Universum Events, for the management of participants, from online registration to the check-in process and the effective entry into the premises of the organized event. MyConnector is an event application with a number of useful options and features for quick registration, real-time reports and statistics, efficient retrieval of sales leads and networking. The innovative design of the application makes it easy to use for anyone, facilitating registrations and the exchange of information for networking. Also, event organizers can use MyConnector to quickly edit existing information or to add new participants to the list.

Fast Registration is another mobile application for managing events designed under the umbrella of Universum Events, being a suitable resource to start the unique experience intended by the organizers. Fast Registration helps to measure and quantify engagement, also facilitating the abandonment of the classic formula for registering participants, avoiding endless queues and uncomfortable moments during peak hours at the event. Depending on the theme chosen for the event, the header in the application can be customized.

In the process of optimizing the organized event, it is good to consider the use of a digital solution such as these two applications. Forget pencil and paper and embrace Cloud technology 🙂

7 Teambuilding Activities at the Office for March

13 Feb 2018


This spring, choose to spoil your colleagues with a team building activity at the office. From creative activities to brainy or techy ones, we assure you that #theUNIVERSUMexperience will surprise them.

The star of the month is…


Offer your colleagues a unique experience, a joy of the senses. In the perfume workshop, everything is a story: of essences, of feelings and of you. Creating your own perfume starts from your own story.


Celebrate spring with a new collection of clothes created by you and your team?. We recreate the atmosphere from the workshops of the great fashion creators and together with you and the team we stage a real fashion show.


We gave the classic Trivia a techy twist, thus making it even more energizing. We keep the general culture questions from the classic format, we add something specific to your organization or a specific theme, we bring a MC to raise the energy level and the good will will envelop the whole room.


A fun activity with a CSR twist. The teams will create toys that will later be donated to NGOs or children’s homes. The activity contributes both to the joy of the children and to those who create them. The process of creating the toys is not that simple, in the process adding a series of challenges, codes to decipher and secrets that must be revealed.


Afternoon short films right at your place in the company! Whether we’re talking about action, romantic comedies, sci-fi or short documentaries, your team will choose what suits them and compete with Steven Spielberg’s great masterpieces.


Create your own work of art in the form of a sculpture. The entire creative process will take you from theory to practice.


A very catchy business simulation, with the aim of improving the degree of awareness and communication about resources, so as to bring added value to the team and organization.

Write to us and a UNIVERSUM consultant will contact you to create a personalized offer.[/vc_column_text][mk_button size=”large” url=”” bg_color=”#79d637″]Contact us ![/mk_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Who are the People who Increase Energy in Organizations?

12 Feb 2018

You know some of them from last year from our #inlovewithevents and Event Organizer Journal campaigns. They are the ones who work full-time at Universum, but besides them we have a whole team of facilitators and trainers who help us offer #theUNIVERSUMexperience.

They are the people who greet you before the event starts, the ones who give you the brief of the activity you are about to take part in, the ones who smile at you, the ones with whom you laugh with tears, the ones who seem to have infinite energy or the team that communicates only from looks

Alexandra, why do you participate in UNIVERSUM events?

A: First of all, the energy, both of the participants and of the facilitators, is something that fills me with enthusiasm and makes me see the beautiful side of people. There are few chances in which you can see people who through playing learn concepts that they can apply in everyday life, especially in business. There are many occasions when I, personally, learned a lot from the extremely wide range of activities offered by UNIVERSUM, lessons that I applied afterwards in what surrounds me and the most important aspect I think is related to the way who looks at the daily tasks, the world, with the eyes of a child, curious, playful but who gets results with a smile.

Let’s get to know you?

A: I am first of all a cheerful person, willing to always try something new (food, activities, professions), engineer and future psychotherapist (interesting combination, I know:) ). I love to meet new people, to play, to color and most importantly, to help the people around me when I feel that I have something.

How long have you been involved in training or facilitation?

A: Since 2009, since I started volunteering in AIESEC and I’ve loved it since then, whether it’s delivering soft skills trainings or facilitating teambuilding. At the moment it is a dream job and I would do it every day with the greatest pleasure because it respects the following quote: Chose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.

A: Tell us something special about yourself?

The first thing I do in the morning after waking up is to turn on the music and dance, it gives me a great mood for the whole day 🙂

— Alexandra Bucataru

I’m Victor, I’ve been facilitating team experiences for corporate groups since 2006, and my first project with Universum was in 2011. I still remember how impressed I was at that first event, by the large dimensions of team building and the relaxation with which the organizers looked at the grandeur of the event. I learned then one of Universum’s values: if something is worth doing, it is worth doing very well. Since then, I have been collaborating with Universum with pleasure because these projects are more than fun, they always represent something new, they give me the opportunity to collaborate with the very ambitious teams in the company and they are a source of pride for everyone involved, from the facilitators to the participants.

When I am in the role of facilitator or MC, I am responsible to the participants, for the quality of their experience. And the care and diligence with which Universum events are organized give me that extra confidence that allows me to focus more on the energy level of the group and less on the potential implementation errors that could generate adverse reactions from the participants.

Organizing behind the scenes helps me bring even more energy to the stage. And the result is often memorable!

— Victor Georgescu



Yes, I still want to come this year.

Why? In every project I learn something, and when it comes to Universum projects, you feel good on top of that. It is a created context that brings together cool people, interesting activities and varied places where everyone leaves there enriched.

Who am I? Oana Maria, in education and training for over 15 years, I like to talk to people about their dreams and philosophize about the meaning and existence of life. Sometimes these discussions are also called courses. I think that all people have a personal mission that they find out when they are really ready and stop being distracted by the noise and glitter around them, and my passion is to find mine and to offer help to others to do it.

— Oana Maria Calin



Adi, why do you participate in UNIVERSUM events?

A: There’s no way you won’t like a Universum brand event, and the role of facilitator is, perhaps, the best role in the team. Each project is a unique experience, characterized by a mixture of energy, enthusiasm, fun, but also organization and professionalism. For me it is a unique opportunity to be part of this super team, and every event gives me energy for personal projects 🙂

Let’s get to know you a bit

A: I’m Adrian Iordan – Trainer & Coach, Freelancer. I’ve been doing this for 3 years. Passionate about everything that makes your life more beautiful and easier :). I design and deliver personal development programs with an emphasis on simple and practical tools

— Adrian Iordan


Honey, why UNIVERSE?

D: I was part of the Universum team at over 20 team building sessions. I answer affirmatively every time for 3 reasons:

(1) customer challenge – every time I have something new to learn from designing the best solution for the customer

(2) networking – I always meet new people, with different concerns and fascinating stories

(3) friendship – it’s amazing to feel in the right place and to enjoy #life_at_the_universe

Who are you?

D: Dragoș Apostu​. I quickly discovered what I like professionally and it’s been 9 years since I worked in the world of training. I had the chance to deliver training programs in all professional environments: non-governmental, public administration, academic and, of course, corporate.

And… something more special?

I sang in the marching band for 4 years and I hold a doctorate in administrative sciences

— Dragos Apostu

They are just 5 superheroes from the fantastic team of trainers and facilitators with whom we like to increase the energy in organizations.



Event Management: Trends to watch in 2018

08 Jan 2018

by Anna Mazareanu, Event Ambassador

The new year has arrived faster than many of us would have expected, so now is a more than appropriate time to update our trends to follow in 2018 in event management. In order to remain a relevant element on the market, it is necessary to constantly improve the experience of the participants at the organized events and to reach new target groups, taking into account the level of competitiveness.

Same as in 2016 and 2017, and for this year I have prepared a list of the most important trends regarding the organization of events that you should keep in mind 🙂

The year 2017 was definitely an innovative one for the event industry, considering the multitude of trends with a technological twist used in their organization, this aspect still being equally valid for 2018. Most of the trends in 2017 focused in particular on the interweaving of reality with virtual elements, an element that left its definitive mark on the events. Crowdsourcing has become a rule, and locations have moved away from traditionality, events becoming more and more fluid.

So, in 2018 the events industry is about:

Involvement of advanced technology

Artificial Intelligence has become part of our everyday life with the help of digital assistants such as Siri or Bixby. Using AI through chatbots, event organizers can answer participants’ questions more quickly through a specially dedicated application for events. It is also obvious that a combination of AI with facial recognition will dramatically change the events industry. Also, with the help of the mix between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), participants can be transported to completely different destinations than the already chosen location where the event takes place. The organizers can bring special guests or speakers who are not physically present, but who through VR manage to break the barriers of time and space.

Enhanced experiences through a high level of customization

More and more people put a higher price on experiences than on material things. When it comes to choosing an event to participate in, customers do not lack options at all, but they have begun to look more for unique experiences; therefore, the more you customize the concept for the client, the more successful you will be. Obviously, the core of an event is represented by the message that wants to be transmitted; everything depends on the level of engagement with the participants to ensure the delivery of the message.

Non-traditional locations

Providing a unique customer experience starts with choosing the right location. The event becomes a memorable one also through the prism of the special space in which it takes place. For 2018, it would be good to keep the classic projects for conferences or courses and add a special distribution of seats in the event halls. Also, the new trends suggest the alignment of the space with the values and personality of the clients, as well as with what is wanted to be transmitted through the concept and the purpose of the event itself. The techy elements brought to the chosen location provide the right means of customizing the space, so that a personalized experience can be ensured, in a special setting and which will have a major impact through its unique appearance.

Big Data & Crowdshaping

The last year has seen an increasing emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of data regarding event management, as well as on Crowdshaping – directing customers to specific spaces or experiences in within an event, with the aim of influencing their experience as a whole, during the participation. The first step is to collect the necessary information, through questionnaires and specific statistics. Then, the information is processed through typical Big Data algorithms, being transformed into perspectives and trends. But the difficult part is not the analysis of these results, but rather their effective implementation.

Sustainable events

Sustainability has also been an increasingly important trend in the industry. Sponsors and brands adopt social responsibility practices that they implement in their events. The initiatives of a corporation in terms of social responsibility help to increase the degree of awareness of the effects produced on the environment and on social well-being.

So here are the trends that will help the events industry evolve in 2018.

Receive the monthly dose of inspiration with creative event ideas by subscribing to the newsletter or write to us to organize an event at

I learned from:

Team Building: CSR activities for Christmas

05 Dec 2017

The winter holidays are one of the best times to give. The help offered to the disadvantaged can have a beneficial impact on the employees. A corporation’s initiatives in terms of social responsibility help to increase awareness. Either on the effects produced on the environment or on social well-being.

Social responsibility has become an important and present trend in the corporate events industry in recent years. More and more companies have adopted this trend through different methods: cross-country races, charity balls or event sponsorships. We propose the following teambuilding activities with a CSR twist for this year’s Christmas:



FLAT OUT: Sleigh Ride

Flat Out is a team building activity where your team becomes a Formula 1 crew, pirates or car builders. However, in the “Sleigh Ride” version, they will have the opportunity to create together the perfect sleigh for Santa Claus. The teams will have the challenge of designing models of sleds that they will then build using their communication, inventiveness and teamwork skills. Once the sleds are finished, the teams will decorate their creations with Christmas ornaments and start the race to test their machines. The CSR twist can be ensured through various methods. By donating equipment to schools or philanthropic organizations or by winning bets and donating them later.




These two types of activities target disadvantaged children from certain communities. The participants will create either toys or bicycles that will be donated to children’s homes, the activity thus contributing to the joy of those who receive the gifts and to the satisfaction of those who created them. However, in order to complete the creations, each team will receive a series of puzzles to solve, codes to decipher and secrets. A few must be revealed to obtain the elements needed to build the bike or the toy.



In this activity, the teams will have the opportunity to experience cooking under the guidance of an experienced chef. Obviously, in the style of the famous show Master Chef. The Cooking Show benefits both individual and team participation. Having at their disposal all the necessary ingredients and utensils, the participants will create dishes specific to the Holidays, which can later be donated to charitable organizations.



Creativity can be the right opportunity to bring cooperation, communication and interaction between team members to the fore during the Winter Holidays. Thus, the participants will collaborate to paint a large Christmas-themed masterpiece. This is often donated to cheer up the walls of asylums or children’s homes. But the most popular CSR twist remains auctioning the painting and donating the money thus collected to an underprivileged community.


Another CSR activity is the race between rocking horses. The Christmas twist can be to decorate them to become Santa’s reindeer. The participants are challenged to follow the specific instructions to create the perfect rocking horse of each individual team. The races with these horses are a carousel of emotions, adrenaline and suspense. For those who will compete, as well as for the spectators who will encourage them. The activity will end with the sale of the horses to the participant who bids the most. Including betting during the race is a fantastic way to raise money for charity.



Barkitecture is a team building activity designed to contribute to improving the creative skills, collaboration and communication of the participants. All through the construction and decoration of dog houses. These houses can be donated to puppy adoption agencies. Or they can be auctioned with the aim of donating the money thus collected to animal shelters.




This activity will offer a unique musical experience to those who will be participants. Musical instruments made from recycled materials will be used, which will contribute to the completion of a real show. The Christmas twist is ensured by the fact that the show can be easily modified to have the specific theme of the winter holidays. Funk the Junk is specifically aimed at bringing the subject of recycling and inventiveness to the agenda of organizations. This all-inclusive energizer offers the opportunity for any type of personality to express itself.

CSR activities involve a large effort and some short-term costs that do not produce an immediate financial benefit. But, instead, it promotes continuous positive social change. The advantages of these activities can be seen in the long term. In the sense of a stronger reputation, a higher employee retention rate, their motivation, a very good relationship with public organizations, as well as differentiation as a brand, innovation or employee engagement.

The Best Coach – The Client

15 Nov 2017

by Anna Maza, Event Ambassador

Organizing events is about solutions, people and ideas. The people who coordinate them know that no event is like another, and the strict rules are lost in the face of clients with complex requests, last-minute problems or capricious weather that takes everyone by surprise on the day of the event.

But nothing compares to the satisfaction in the soul of an organizer when the event turned out perfectly, and the client becomes a collaborator, even a long-term partner, because he managed to feel the necessary trust. So, in event management, even if the people for whom you have to come up with solutions may seem demanding, they are, in reality, vital for the extensive development of both you and the company.

The client with complex requests and high expectations has become a leitmotif present in the lives of all those who work with people, but we tend to believe that things don’t have to be so complicated. The solution is always communication and the way it is applied to each individual situation. Initially, the pressure may seem to be too much to work with a client who is difficult to please. But, after going through this experience, you will notice that in fact it has brought you more advantages and benefits than you would have thought, while communicating with easy-to-please people can become a challenge-free routine.

Although it may seem that a client who asks you for impossible things will completely exhaust you, this experience will actually make you develop, in that you will become more flexible and adapt to his needs. These clients will demand so much from you that you will end up changing your personal communication techniques to accommodate their interests. And the more you communicate, the better you will become. When you are faced with a complicated relationship with a client, you actually have only two options: either become more flexible or withdraw. Considering that the second option is not really a happy option to consider in communication with clients, it is necessary to look for as many means as possible to improve communication techniques. This way you can end up conveying exactly what you intend and make yourself completely understood by the interlocutor.

In psychology, there is a long discussion about the principle of mirrors, which says something like this: the relationships established between people represent a reflection in the mirror of their own person. In the case of a relationship with a more demanding client, it’s interesting to see what happens when we mirror their way of communication, adjusting our tone of voice, vocabulary, maybe even body language, to get on the same wavelength as theirs. Thus, the client gets to feel understood and appreciated by you, creating a favorable relationship between you.

In communication, perspective plays a major role: people’s opinions are based on their experiences up to that moment. By constantly referring to their level of knowledge and expertise, you will be able to understand the differences between your perspective and that of the client, being able to communicate better with him. In fact, you learn to be an empathetic person.

However, to gain trust when negotiating with a complicated client, you won’t be able to rely on feelings alone. Real data and facts will become your true friends, because they will help you strengthen your arguments and value.

Many times, patience can be an ally of the event organizer, because by actively listening, you understand the message behind the words. Thus, you can offer exactly that element that the collaborator failed to express. Dealing with this type of customers can bring you to the point where you want to give up and quickly get rid of the problems. However, if you manage to stay in position without getting beat, you will leave behind this experience with many personal development lessons that you have already assimilated. And besides that, you didn’t even have to pay for this coaching 🙂

Looking at things from the client’s perspective, it becomes obvious that he first of all wants to be understood. It is necessary for him to feel that his needs have been understood and fulfilled and that, in the end, the solution found is the right one. In addition, he will come to trust you, through the prism of your efforts and your communication, and will become a long-term partner.

Diary of an Event Organizer – The Beauty Within Events

30 Oct 2017

de Loredana Stancu, Business Developer Evenimente Custom

You might think that event organizers never get bored. Or that they experience new things all the time or get in contact with new people and challenges and all their days are packed with meetings, emails and phone calls. Also, you might think that they have loooots of fun.

And you wouldn’t be wrong at all ?

But I got to understand through my own experience that there is so much more than this.

Yes, indeed, we never get bored. No two days are the same for me and generally, in the world of event organizers – when we have our peak times, we stay in the office from the crack of dawn (not me, though, I am not a morning person) till very late hours (sooo me). And meanwhile… we have calls with our clients and collaborators, we discuss proposals and event scenarios, we have meet ups with our clients to get the best out of their events, we research for new ideas we can implement, sourcing locations and sharing the latest event incentives.

One of my favorite times is when we are brainstorming – maybe only to add a little something in order to customize concepts from our teambuilding license (the biggest in the world) and to better respond to client’s objectives or to find a whole concept that will be expressing the event theme, the visual & branding materials and all communication related to the event.

Because we spend so much time together in the office or at the events, I find the team to be very important. So many times, participants approached us just to let us know they admire the way we work and collaborate inside our team. And I know they mean it. Besides the advices we give to each other, the support when things don’t go exactly as planned (pun intended), the fact that we all look to improve the way we do things and that we have each other’s back (and also the clients’) it’s very important for me.

Another thing that I like is the process of organizing the event. Since I am part of the team that brings new clients in the Universum universe ^_^, I get to have the joy many times to watch amazing events blossom from simple and plain objectives, stated somehow vague like “we want to have fun” to complex events, that bring real impact in our clients’ organizations. Also, I get to collaborate with clients that know exactly what they want, and I become their consultant in how to put this more efficiently into scene and how to bring the “wow effect”.

Then, we elaborate a presentation, to expose the ideas that our team analyzed and tested in so many previous events (or not, which is sooo cool), we build the budget and we meet the client to share our ideas. The whole process is amazing, it brings challenges and we often find ourselves in situations when we make the impossible possible. And then there’s never just one offer. One call you are negotiating a location to get the best deal for one of your clients, the next one you are contacting an international speaker to put the cherry on top of your activity, then you give a brief to your colleagues from the Graphic Design dept. and also start a conversation with other colleagues about this new concept that you thought would work for one of your clients and so on. Does it sound crazy? Well – it is! ? But it’s also sooooo much fun!

I was starting at the beginning that you might think that event organizers also have fun. This is maybe the reason most of us are doing this and will keep doing it – putting aside all the professional rewards – it’s important to have fun, play, enjoy the events you are organizing. We are having fun at least as much as the participants are, since we are energizing them as well during the event and keeping the stakes high at all times. Also, when fatigue kicks in, it’s important to have the back up of your colleagues, to cheer you up and give you energy for one more day (or weekend, or week – depending on the complexity of the events coming up).

And then…there are the events. Like one of my favorite Project Managers ever, Sabina, said – “if you are stressed in the day of the event, you are doing something wrong.” I especially like full day teambuilding events – I love the way participants gather one bus by one… how we wait for them with full energy, perfectly loud music, dancing and how the voice of the event (the Main Facilitator) subtly “lures” the participants into being part of this amazing experience. I enjoy the reluctance on some of the participants at the beginning and I cherish the enthusiasm on the other ones… and mostly I like it how the reluctant people become enthusiastic as well by the end of the day.

That’s when, besides the fact that your client is happy, and you know everything is super ok, you actually feel your mission is accomplished. When, at the end of the day, they feel transformed, even just a little bit – and it’s all over their faces and in their attitudes.

To close this little story in an optimistic way – Jung Lee (a famous event planner) once said “Just because you have planned something, it doesn’t mean it is going to happen.” – sometimes, things do turn out better that you expected/planned and that’s the absolute beauty of it!