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Give Your Event an Autumny Twist

13 Aug 2018


Noua toamna ne place sa nu numaram participantii fericiti, de aceea pe langa o selectie de activitati de teambuilding iti recomandam sa ii dai evenimentului tau un twist tomnatic.

Din agendele colegilor nostri am selectat urmatoarele idei:


Fie ca vorbim despre copaci sau frunze pentru un eveniment indoor, atmosfera cu siguranta va apreciata. Sa aduci natura mai aproape de tema evenimentului tau inseamna un plus pentru experienta oferita participantilor tai.


Daca evenimentul tau se desfasoara outdoor, daca ai activitati de teambuilding care presupun activități de tip atelier de lucru sau un eveniment de tip “Company Day Out”, iti recomandam paturicile. Fie ca vor sta pe ele, fie ca se vor inveli cu ele la lasatul serii, acestea cu siguranta vor fi apreciate.



Foloseste-te de ce iti ofera natura si imbina-le cu recipiente rustice pentru a crea decoratiuni. Borcane cu frunze, conuri, nuci, porumb vor aduce culorile toamnei directe pe masa participantilor tai. Mai poti adauga si uleiuri esentiale pentru experienta completa.


Ati observat ca toamna ne intampina cu confeti? Si aici ne referim clar la frunzele copacilor care cad precum niste confeti. Recreaza interiorul evenimentului tau cu o multitudine de frunze si lumini ambientale ca de un asfintit de toamna.



Pentru ca toamna este si Halloween-ul, poti organiza pentru colegii tai o petrecere tematica pentru Halloween. Decoruri de speriat, costume creative, muzica de nu te lasa sa stai jos si distractie pana la rasarit.


Ceva caldut si gustos este si va fi mereu apreciat intr-un eveniment care are si componente outdoor. Cum iti surade sa ai un Specialty Cofee Spot cu un barista care creaza latte art?


A fost o vara cu festivaluri noi sau cu renume, aproape niciun weekend acasa. Dar, cum iti surade ca petrecerea sa continue si in toamna? Incepe cu un concert live pentru participantii tai.


Povesteam intr-un articol de blog anterior despre giveaways si cat de benefice sunt ele pentru experienta participantilor daca reusim sa mergem mai departe de paradigma agendelor , pixurilor si flyerelor. Lasa-ti imaginatia sa umble libera si alege cele mai traznite si utile giveaway-uri pentru colegii tai.


Cum vrei sa arate evenimentul tau? Lasa-ne gandurile tale intr-un comment.


08 Aug 2018

We don’t know what others are like, but in the fall we don’t count the freshmen… but the experiences offered, the smiles received and we enjoy the energy created.

The tailored experiences for the teams we work with are based on a lot of research, detailed details, energetic facilitators and personalized teambuilding concepts.

Here is what we propose for your team, this fall.



An activity specially created to disconnect us from the devices we have adopted in our lifestyle. The activity encourages creativity and rewards the most innovative. Starting with the Dragon’s Den idea, we challenge the teams to create, bid and… may the best idea win!



Are you familiar with stop-motion animation? The teams are challenged to create a unique digital stop-motion animation sequence on a certain theme. The themes can be adapted according to your team, project or organization.



#3 RAT TRAP< /h2>
Mickey doesn’t get caught so easily. Your team will create a trap to catch him, consisting of several pieces, creating the domino effect. All this trap has huge dimensions and we season it with witty questions. Spoiler alert: collaboration will make the whole process easier.




Grab your robes and embark on the most wonderful tour of essences. Depending on the team’s goals, you can create the perfume of the ideal client, the perfect team or simply the last “must have” on the market.




With catchy music, the energy level will surely be high. Each participant owns a boomwacker, and with the help of an application, a special synergy and symphony is created.




Creativity and team communication are among the skills improved during the activity. The teams must create a large-scale chain reaction. The energy that is created around the workshops is unimaginable.




The world of showbiz is being rewritten by your team. Blockbusters is an activity that incorporates the culture of your team by combining fun, teamwork and funny videos. Exciting themes, props and lots of laughs are elements that will increase the energy of your team.


We reviewed the most popular teambuilding activities for this fall, but you can also browse other activities from our portfolio, and if you want an activity specially created for your team, write to us: Contact

Welcome Package – Useful or Not?

31 Jul 2018


Over time we managed to see and organize hundreds of events. Experiences that exposed the participants to a lot of information, different content and impressive speakers. Basically, they are leaving with a large (information) baggage.

In a complete event experience, is the welcome package still useful?

Over 10 years of organizing events have taught us that any possibility to interact with the participants or to keep them engaged in an event, represents one of the aces up the sleeve. And if this is done professionally it will represent a win-win situation.

#1 Be creative

Participants see a lot of information during an event, not applied immediately or without a follow-up, they become useless.

Thus, give them the possibility that the information received during the event will be useful, later it will be useful to you too. Think about all the flyers or catalogs you received, how useful were they? Most of the time, they end up being thrown away or there is a huge discrepancy between the event experience and the welcome bag received.

We recommend you to be creative, what the participant receives in the welcome package should go hand in hand with the experience you offer. Whether we are talking about gadgets, business tools or an object that has meaning but is also useful in everyday activity.

– – – – Looking for welcome package ideas? Write us! – – – –

#2 Create a community of people with the same interest

If, for example, your event promotes a healthy lifestyle or your participants tech savvy or a community of people willing to bring a change in our environment, welcome package should be in this direction. And here, we can offer you the most handy example – event application.

Besides the fact that the registration process is much faster, but you offer them the possibility to interact with each other, with the speakers or with the organizing team. Yes, the application will not be found per se in the welcome bag, but it is the participant’s first interaction with your event at the moment T0.

Also, the application provides you with essential data about your audience, you can deduce event behaviors and you can also create that community we were talking about at the beginning.



To answer the question in the title: YES, the welcome package is useful, it’s up to you to decide how it will look and what its purpose is.

Represents among the first interactions between the participant and the event experience. It will not be thrown away or ignored if it brings added value both during the event and afterwards – being an extraordinary method of follow-up.

How to attract Generations Y and Z to your Corporate Event

26 Jul 2018


We notice that Generations Y and Z are increasingly present, not only as consumers but also in the business world. In order to attract the attention of these tech-savvy generations, companies must make the transition from “Talk-Listen” thinking when they the design of an event to a structure that keeps them involved throughout the event and a more relaxing atmosphere.

Below, I made a list to support the creation of a corporate event for generations Y and Z.

#1 Education vs Selling

No one likes to attend sales presentations, especially the Y and Z generations, who pay attention to the marketing methods of the past years.

These two generations are exposed to an extraordinarily large volume of information that is at their fingertips – free online courses, webinars or videos on YouTube. Thus, in order to attract them to your events, you must offer them valuable, unique information delivered in innovative methods.

#2 An Instagram-able Event

The rigid corporate events of the past should remain in the past. Today, business events are relaxing, cozy, with the buzz of conversations, music and, of course, food. Because Generations Y and Z are dependent on social media, we recommend that your event has infinite possibilities to create “Insta Stories” “Insta Posts”… insta-everything.

#3 Techy, techy, T E C H Y

Because we are talking about the generations that have the phone in their hand. Your event must be adapted for them. From the handouts from the event that should be distributed electronically, to charging stations, communication with the event staff, the speakers or the MC.

#4 An Event on Social Media

Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are at the forefront when we talk about Generations Y and Z. Take advantage of the trends of these platforms and offer participants the opportunity to use hashtags , discounts and promotions to attract them to your pages or share-worthy content in presentations.

#5 Speakers

Influencer – this term heard more and more often. Your event agenda should include them because they are the promoters of these two generations.


The young generations are starting to occupy an increasingly large percentage of the current workforce. Thus, they also change their status from consumers to people who are actively involved in companies, who take part in events. The event experiences offered to them must be adapted to their lifestyle.

Refresh your event with a few (small) changes

17 Jul 2018


In order to maintain quality at high standards, we seek to be up to date with the latest trends in event management, to we use the feedback that our clients give us, to participate in conferences and specialization courses and to generate new ideas.

With these things in mind, we have listed below a series of small changes for experience management.


The success of a conference depends a lot on the time of preparation and communication prior to the event itself. Social media offers an excellent way to generate interest and increase enthusiasm. It is also a fast, easy and affordable way to share information and, above all, to get to know the audience.


Participants should not be overwhelmed by too many topics covered in the event. Having the focus only on a few key topics, the participants will be able to assimilate the information delivered much more easily.


They are promoters of technology, therefore, each of our clients is encouraged to use it in their event – whether we are talking about conferences, teambuildings or parties. From interactive presentations, to event applications or techy decorations.


When we want events, the location plays a very important role. When you choose an event location, you must start with the following ideas in mind: capacity, the possibility of personalization, the attached spaces – for example, the spaces for the expo or cocktail party.

Also here, we mention the change of location. If your event has been held in the same location for years in a row, we recommend you try a new one. For example, Lagoo Sangov, a location that brings you closer to nature and offers flexibility in terms of event design.


“We like not to play like big people”< /a>, we say it often because we believe that remarkable results can be achieved through play. Therefore, we invite you to adopt it in your next event and you will have a surprise regarding the engagement of the participants and especially the quality of the event.


The easiest way to improve your events is to find out what the participants liked and didn’t like. Regardless of the method you choose to collect this feedback, make sure you ask participants for their opinion about the event no later than one day after the event when the experience is still fresh.

In conclusion, a small step for the event management strategy, a big step for the quality of the event.

Effective Learning – How Event Design Can Help You

12 Jul 2018


Meetings, workshops and trainings are a necessity in a work environment. Effective learning is the path to innovation and productivity.

Over the years, as event organizers, we received this challenge in the event brief. That’s why I’ve listed below some methods for the structure of the events to help in the effective learning process.


There is a reason why changing the “landscape” can influence the mood and productivity of the participants. A location with personality can inspire participants to become more creative and innovative. Moreover, if it is a location that also has accommodation, the meeting can be transformed into a teambuilding or a conference.


The creative process of brainstorming is quite often found in team meetings. Whether we are talking about the classic “flipchart & marker”, digital solutions or the creation of sticky walls in which your colleagues write their ideas on a sticky note and are later stuck on a wall.


Armchairs, adjustable tables, colors, beanbags – elements that create a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere. Besides these, the fact that you emphasize comfort is conveyed to the participants.

Collaborative creativity

Through the teambuilding activities in our suite, we encourage collaborative creativity, which in turn improves teamwork. For example, Big Picture – everyone loves to paint, whether we are talking about talent, passion or relaxation – the participants get involved until the last detail of the painting and where else can it be exhibited at the company’s headquarters.

Snacks & Coffee Breaks

Food is essential in events. If it is a shorter event, we recommend introducing healthy snacks or coffee breaks. In the case of long-term events, we are talking about lunch, dinner or breakfast.


We have been advocating gamification for several years and we continue to do so in the case of the effective learning process. Thus, by creating informal event spaces with gamification twists, we encourage creativity, innovation and productivity.

Relaxation Spaces

Relaxing activities within an event will help your colleagues to find a balance, offering them a small break with a creative activity will push them towards innovation. For example, in the relaxation areas there can be Zen Gardens that can also be a nice give-away.

Division Areas

If you have scheduled 1-2-1 meetings in the agenda of your event – be they for feedback, brainstorming or informal discussions – we recommend you to create specially designed areas for this.

Meetings within the team are essential for organizational growth – both from the point of view of the individual, the team and the company’s objectives. The structure of these types of events is very important to reach the end of the event with some relevant conclusions and the objectives of the event achieved.

Events and Brand Activations – Why are they the Perfect Combo?

27 Jun 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Brand Activations
Brand activations represent the set of actions through which the target audience interacts directly or indirectly with the brand. In short, consumers have reached a point where “Buy Now!” is no longer convincing enough, so activations have appeared in which trust in the brand can be strengthened.

As an event organizer, the buzz from the networking spaces is the sound of the event’s success – people connect, and you managed to help them in this regard. Creating an atmosphere in which participants feel comfortable, leave their comfort zone and interact with partners or brands is a big part of this success.

Of course, each activation is specially created for the target audience and the right brand. Thus, before entering the creation process to establish the right activation, we recommend you to answer the following questions:

  • Where is the target audience most likely to use my product? How can I recreate that experience in my event?
  • What is the philosophy behind the brand?
  • What are the unique features of the product? What is the story?
  • How can customers interact with each other?

These are the starting point for creating the right activation. With these in mind, we invite you to go through the following directions also experienced by us within the events created under the #theUNIVERSUMexperience brand.

Adopt technology

Smart phones and social media are part of customer behavior. That’s why, even if the brand activations during the events involve face-to-face interaction, you can use social media until the moment of the event – using the hashtag, sharing a photo or video on Facebook or Instagram.

Personalized activities

The soul of the created event is represented by the activities that keep the participants involved. Storytelling, activities, know-how and laughter – the recipe for success, and we’re not the only ones saying it – these lead to the “Activation” of the brand. Whether we are talking about large-scale events or smaller events, it includes activities to reach every participant.

Also, these personalized activities go hand in hand with social media. If the participants feel good during the event, they will share frames from the event on Facebook, Instagram or Stories with the hashtag of the event, the location or even your brand.

Tell a story

Storytelling for a brand is essential and can transform the way teams work within the event. Any company can “adopt” a character to use to tell stories. This not only humanizes the brand, but it can be an easier communicator for the entire story of the company, and in an event it can be the central element.

Each event has unique moments, both within the sessions and outside them. Creating a memorable brand experience can give life to an event.

We have some ideas for brand activations for your next event. Write to us to ask for more details:

[/vc_column_text][mk_button size=”x-large” url=”” target=”_blank” align=”center”]Contact[/mk_button][/vc_column][ /vc_row]

The design of a Corporate Conference – From Sketch to… WOW!

27 Jun 2018

designul of a conference

In a previous article we spoke with Marius Blajut about the design of a teambuilding experience< /a>, however, #theUNIVERSUMexperience means Teambuilding, Corporate Parties, Company Days, Sports Competitions, Organizational Culture Campaigns, Activations, Conferences or any combination thereof.

The market has evolved a lot, Corporate Conferences no longer mean just a conference room in a hotel, a coffee break, a 4:3 screen, a power point presentation with reports and a lot of content. We talk about how things improved with Sabina Poparlan, Event Manager in the M.I.C.E team.

Q: What is the biggest challenge encountered in designing a conference?

Sabina: The biggest challenge, which is actually the “engine” of an event organizer, is to always come up with something new and WOW! To understand who is the audience present in the event and to succeed through the elements you bring to surprise (pleasantly) everyone.

On the other hand, we are in the middle of an education process, let’s say, regarding the concept of an event. And here I am not referring to the fact that a conference needs a name, but to the fact that the impact increases considerably when there is unity in all elements, and the concept is declined on stage, in decorations, activations, including the set-up buffet. But we are on the right track and with each passing year the market becomes more and more competitive, which makes us more aware and more attentive to all these details.

Q: How do you take the pulse of an organization?

Sabina: Research, research and more research.

Especially if you have no previous experience, it is important to know your client and what is important to him. Who is he, where does he come from, what does he like, what has he done before? When you go to a meeting, you try to pay attention to everything around you – how the offices are set up, what the atmosphere is like, how technological the environment is, how colorful it is, etc. Any detail helps you understand which direction to go.

Q: Taboo or not – what is the budget impact?

Sabina: It is a very big impact. Depending on the size of the budget, you can choose very well what to proceed with. Certainly a bigger budget allows you to do a lot more things in the event – from decorations to international activations, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do things
extraordinary and with smaller budgets. Somehow, I think that here you can see the difference in the market. It’s a saying I believe in quite a lot – if it was easy, anyone could do it.

designul of a conference

Q: How do you see the transition from a projector and a 4:3 screen to stages, activations and projections?

Sabina: Similar to switching from black and white TV to full HD. A complex technical set-up offers you extraordinary freedom, provided you know what to do and how to put it into value. It’s no use having a hall dressed in LED, let’s say, if from the content point of view you only have a static visual and presentations.

Q: How do you measure the impact of a conference?

Sabina: The standard method of measuring post-event performance indices is definitely very accurate. On the other hand, you can easily receive warm feedback during the event if you pay attention to the participants. How do they react, how attentive are they, how active? What are they talking about during the coffee break? If I’m talking about how spectacular Andrea Runceanu’s moment was or how the graphics on the screen were synchronized with the dancers’ movements, then you know you’ve hit the nail on the head.

Q: How is the digital impact felt?

Sabina: I think it is felt as much as we find it in other fields. Fortunately, digitization has helped us and helps us every time to increase the quality of events by implementing digital activations, developing the participant registration system that led to smoother traffic in events, using live voting systems during conferences. It is felt strongly, but in a positive sense, for sure.

A corporate event requires a lot of work behind the scenes – checklists, planning, phone calls and emails with suppliers, rehearsals and double-checks. Sabina, what is the most satisfying thing for you at the end of a conference?

That moment when during the event or immediately after the client and the participants come to shake my hand, congratulate me and thank me.

Transformation of Work Spaces

06 Jun 2018

how work spaces are transformed

I mentioned in a previous article that the way of working is changing, from the fact that teams start working remotely, up to the size of the team, the impact being in the organizational culture. This change also includes the transformation of work spaces.


The idea of a job from 9 to 6 puts quite a lot of emphasis on the balance between personal life and professional life, which does not imply a fixed office. That’s why companies – mainly IT or startups – are turning their attention to coworking spaces.

In the last 5 years, coworking spaces have started to multiply, thus the organizational culture has also changed. The work corner in the cafe was replaced with an office shared with freelancers, agencies or startups.

In Romania, in the big cities, this culture was very well received, such work spaces appearing in as large a number as possible.

birou universum

Differences between generations

There are currently 3 generations working in companies: the baby boomers, generation x and generation y (millennials). As the baby boomers began to retire, the millennial generation began to grow, occupying a third of the current workforce, which led to the creation of a series of stereotypes, for example that they are spoiled and that they need a rewards to perform or that they are so dependent on technology that they no longer distinguish between their professional and personal lives (more myths about this generation can be found at IBM report).

Thus, to prevent potential conflicts between generations, companies could promote the common things between these small communities, encouraging efficiency rather or encouraging and supporting individuals.

Work schedule 9-6

Speaking of Millennials, the 9-6 work schedule will (in the near future) be history. In a study conducted by Millennial Branding, generation Y prefers a flexible work schedule to the detriment of salary. Thus, given that Generation Y changes jobs every 3 years, this will also influence the work schedule to increase their retention rate.

Taking into account the changes brought by generation Y, how will the organizational culture change in the coming years?

The commitment of the participants = the success of the events

21 May 2018

In the planning of any event, you also come across the word “engagement” in addition to the location, catering, band or DJ or the experience of the participants.

Part of this experience, the participation of the participants represents the success of the event.

But how do you measure the engagement of the participants?


The website is the catalyst of your brand, and measuring engagement through Google Analytics is mandatory. From Event goals, page goals, time and link goals.

Event App

The event application is mandatory in the conditions where the smartphone is in our hands so many hours a day – almost everything that surrounds us has an application that we use.

The event application is a treasure in analyzing the behavior of the participants.


#HashtagIsCool and mandatory for your event.

Most of the world uses Facebook or Instagram, that’s why images or posts are accompanied by hashtags. Keeping track of the hashtag is a very handy method to measure engagement.


Among the most used methods are tools to collect feedback, both from participants and speakers. You can use a QR code, the event application or newsletters. The best results come from filling out the form immediately after the event, which is very fresh.

I also mentioned in a recent article about activities that can lead to increasing the engagement of participants.

However, here is black and white how you can increase engagement and how success can be measured:

“Content is King”

…and we’re not the only ones saying this, said Bill Gates in 1996! In 2018, the content is still the most accessible link between the objectives of the event and the participants. What has changed over the years is the content format – from text, to images and video – that has taken the form of event experiences.

Event App

A person unlocks his phone approximately 110 times a day. The smart phone is part of the daily lifestyle. That’s why event organizers have developed applications that not only help the events run flawlessly, but also have features that look directly at the participants. For example, through My Connector not only the event registration process is simpler, but you can ask questions to the speakers, you can talk to the other participants in the event or you can evaluate the sessions and their content.

Voting App or Live Q&A

There are many Q&A or voting tools. These applications not only increase your engagement in the event but also help you collect vital information for the following events.


Taking questions from the room with the help of the microphone is already something classic, but how about giving it a fun twist? With the help of Catchbox, you can turn the Q&A session into a funny game and help you win the time between microphone passes.

+ super important: Location Design

I left the most important thing at the end – the Design of the Location, it must be a help in increasing engagement, not a saboteur. For example, in a round table setting, participants can interact with each other and create activities within the teams. In a “council” structure with inward-facing tables, it is ideal for small groups, creating a space where participants can get to know each other much more easily.