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4 Activities you can do with your team online

01 Apr 2020

We stay at home and do well, because it is one of the best things we can do in the given situation.

Technology helps us a lot during this period, and teams can stay together and perform, perhaps, better than in the office. But, after a certain time we start to feel more than ever the need to get out of the house, to laugh with colleagues during breaks or to have a creative framework for generating ideas.

So here are the 4 team activities that we propose to cover the needs of your company during this period:

team building online meditainment


The period we are going through can create anxiety and stress for your team. We are overwhelmed by information that can affect us emotionally.

Through Meditainment we offer you a few moments of respite, together with your team. Everything happens from home, from your oasis of peace. Together with the team, you can close your eyes, relax and strengthen. This way you can all experience an amazing meditation session.

Go Remote

Team Building Online GO TEAMIt is a versatile tool for sharing quality content, gathering information and stimulating creative thinking. Go Remote is part of the Go Team platform.

This platform allows us to adapt to your company’s needs by gamifying experiences. It promises well-being and immediate results! Because it is what we need at this time, a disconnection and a (re)connection.

We suggest you take 20 minutes and interact with yourself differently. Your house and the various objects at your disposal are the playground. To make all this happen, you provide your creativity and your phone, and we take care of the rest.

Whether we’re talking about creating perspective pictures, a video in which you are the star or launching a challenge to a colleague, everything is designed to give you a restart and a bust of energy for the rest of the day.


Many of us probably miss beer outings with colleagues, karaoke nights or parties, where we were surrounded by good vibes, music and energy. That’s why Lip Dub in its new, virtual version can cover some of these needs through creativity, dance, improvisation and out-of-the-box thinking.

How about recreating, with your team, the classic “I want to break free” video? Everything from scratch, through synchronization and lip dubbing.

Making the News

team building online making the news

Since Ancient Rome, the Acta Diurna, which was “published” in metal and stone, began to “control the world”. In this activity, your team can design a newspaper that will be printed in the future.

We think the planet thanks us for the respite we give by staying indoors. Did you know that the water in Venice is so clean that dolphins swim in it?

We challenge your team to imagine and create positive themes. What will the future look like? What good things does this pandemic bring? What will the stars “say” in the week of the newspaper launch? Upcoming sports news or projects of interest.

So here are just a few ideas that Universum has for your remote team, we have many more!

Write to us if you want one of these activities or if you want a personalized activity that you can carry out digitally with your team.

And most importantly, take care of yourself and stay home. – Your healthy and economical subscription!

21 Mar 2020

During the period when the measures adopted by the authorities recommend us not to leave our homes, we do once again what we know best, we look for new solutions and reorient ourselves. Last week we launched the Virtual Events platform, which allows organizing almost any type of event directly in the online environment, and today we are launching! is the first economic subscription for food delivered under maximum safety conditions in Romania, dedicated to those who work from home or are in self-isolation at home during this period and to those who want to offer help to their loved ones over 60 or people in risk categories.


We have taken all necessary precautions to avoid contamination with any kind of viruses and bacteria:

  1. All staff will be properly equipped to avoid any potential food contamination and every person involved in production and distribution will be checked every three hours for symptoms of COVID-19;
  2. Buffer spaces were built between the kitchen and the delivery station, from where all the dishes will go to the customers. And to strengthen the precautionary measures, in the kitchen the floor and work surfaces will be disinfected once every three hours;
  3. The preparations will have a validity of 72 hours and will be hermetically sealed and specially packaged to avoid contamination;
  4. Menus will be picked up by our delivery team for whom we will ensure they have disposable protective equipment throughout the distribution process;
  5. And to avoid any human interaction, upon arrival, the customer is contacted and the special box will be left at the door.

WHAT TYPES OF MENUS DO YOU HAVE? offers three categories of menus, all of which include two main meals, one for lunch (two dishes, plus salad) and the other for dinner (one main dish, plus dessert):

  • Standard Menu – 45 lei per day – 225 lei / 5 days
  • Vegetarian menu – 45 lei per day – 225 lei / 5 days
  • Immunity Plus menu – 55 lei per day – 275 lei / 5 days


To order a subscription for yourself or a loved one in difficulty due to the virus, please visit our website ->

Here you will find more details about all the menus but also about the whole process of disinfection, cooking and delivery.

Orders for the following week can be picked up until Saturday at 4:30 p.m.

VIRTUAL EVENTS – Organize any type of event, online!

13 Mar 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has prompted authorities to take measures that they have destabilized the events industry and beyond. This destabilization is felt in personal life, but also on a professional level, where we all regroup to look for the best solutions.

In the context of the imposed measures, UNIVERSUM presents VIRTUAL EVENTS, platform developed by the MyConnector division which involves transferring the experience of an event from offline to online, without the need for physical presence in a location.

virtual events universum

VIRTUAL EVENTS supports the organizers, being a solution suitable for every type of event, from large exhibitions and conferences to seminars or workshops with a small number of participants.

The tool created by UNIVERSUM is an online platform that brings together all the characters involved in an event: participants, exhibitors, speakers and organizers:

  • Participants can register and access all event details< span style="font-weight: 400;">, can communicate and interact in real time with each other, with the speakers during the sessions but also with the exhibitors.
  • Exhibiting companies in turn can present their services and products online< span style="font-weight: 400;">, interacting with visitors directly from the browser and can qualify each lead according to their own criteria.
  • Speakers can present all their presentations online and can interact with the audience through live polls and Q&As.
  • Organizers can send visitors real-time communications and organize various surveys.

You can see the complete presentation of the platform by accessing the following link ->

The platform is ready!

If this type of solution is suitable for your company’s current needs, we look forward to your message so we can help you as soon as possible.

Contact us by accessing the following link ->

And in conclusion, we wish you to keep your optimism in the face of all these current challenges.


8 Ideas to Celebrate International Women’s Day

08 Mar 2020

Every year, March 8th is an occasion to appreciate femininity in all its forms. We value every woman in our life – girlfriend, wife, mother, grandmother, daughter or sister.

Over the years, they have shown us how great they are and what wonderful things they can leave behind. Take the example of Marie Skłodowska Curie who changed the world not once but twice. She founded the new science of radioactivity – even the word was coined by her – and her discoveries launched effective cures for cancer; or Queen Victoria, Princess Diana, J.K. Rowling, Mother Teresa, Cleopatra, Frida Kahlo, Michele Obama and the list goes on. They are strong women. They are female heroes. They are female role models.

Given how much time we spend at work, our colleagues become an important part of our lives. So, let’s dedicate this day to them as they deserve.

You can start with a healthy brunch and a team building activity that can be relaxing, creative and engaging.

Yes, your colleagues are great and deserve recognition. Here are 8 ideas to celebrate International Women’s Day in your company:

1. The Infinite Loop

Team Building Infinite Loop

Technology and Entertainment.

The Infinite Loop relies on real-time collaboration and communication to generate effective solutions during gameplay. The more accurate the player in the virtual world is in describing the problem, the faster teammates in the real world find the solution. The concept is structured as a powerful business game, stimulating team cohesion and perfecting teamwork through constant feedback.

2. Bookworx

Team Building Book Work

Creativity and CSR.

Bookworx is a team building activity with a strong impact in an underprivileged environment, bringing lasting benefits to children who do not have access to reading and books to help them and inspire them. Working in teams, each participant is responsible for specific tasks, each having an important role in producing colorful and creative libraries.

3. Crescendo

Team Building Crescendo

Music and elegance.

Crescendo is an activity that offers participants a unique experience. They will learn to play a stringed instrument in a very short time, and in the end… the result is goosebumps.

4. Big Picture

Team Building Big Picture

Colors and energy.

Big Picture is a creative and relaxing activity for your colleagues. Together, they will create a painting composed of several canvases that each of them worked on. Where else do you put it, that the big painting can be put on one of the walls in the office.

5. Think Art

Team Building Think Art

Sculpts and colors.

It is that type of activity that offers the participants art in its purest state. They are challenged to paint a sculpture given some key information.

6. Company got Talent

Team Building Company Got Talent

Talent and Show.

Your colleagues can (re)create the well-known Talent Show through the skills they have – dance, music, magic or comedy, why not?

7. Essence of Excellence

Essence of Excellence Team Building

Perfume and elegance

The activity gives your colleagues the opportunity to create their own perfume. Following a recipe and having a range of essences available.

8. Blockbusters

team building blockbusters

Lights, Camera, Action! The director would say, starting the filming of an original scenario. Your colleagues will be in front of the cameras but also behind them while filming a clip.

So that the day continues in the same style, exciting and creative you can organize an elegant dinner for them. Where motivational speeches or on topics of common interest can take place.

There are a multitude of possibilities to make this day a memorable one. The overall goal is to focus on gender equality and celebrate the progress made by your female colleagues.

Why organize a Team Building?

12 Feb 2020

Compliant The study “IMPACT OF TEAM BUILDING EXERCISES ON TEAM EFFECTIVENESS” organizing a team building is an effective way to favor teamwork and its performance. The effects are evident when teams experience active learning, practice and constantly invest in the way they work within it.

Efficient teams are vital for any type of business, but especially in fields such as medicine, aviation or the military. An example mentioned in the study above showed that approximately 70% of errors in the medical environment are not due to technical mistakes by individuals, but rather as a result of existing deficits within teams. Thus, there is a critical need to improve the teams, having a major impact on those around them.

New teams vs. Stable teams

It has been found that the effects of teamwork within a team building have significantly greater effects on newly formed compared to teams that are already cohesive. Instead, team performance is strongly improved within already formed, stable teams.

Therefore, this type of activity not only improves the degree of knowledge between team members but, in fact, improves the performance of work processes in teams.

What type of teambuilding works for my team?

The answer to this question is never a standard one because every team has different needs and desires, but the answer can be easily discovered in a discussion with a team building consultant. He will always know to offer you the best solution because he can analyze all aspects for organizing a team building, from the number of participants to your budget.

However, we can give you food for thought until your next meeting with him. Think about what the goal is, both short-term and long-term – what is the course for your team?

Take the example above, where there is a newly formed team and a solid one that has been stable for years. In such a situation you may need to bring the two teams together, to get to know each other better so that when they work together there is little or no chance of failure.

Thus, organizing a team building for them would look like this: an accommodation activity – Go team, one of knowledge – Mini Olympics and one of closeness and success – Big Picture. And in the evening, a party where the barriers between them will fall.

Team Building vs. Teamwork

There may be slight confusion between the two terms, but they are two totally different concepts. Team Building focuses on the formation of a group, whereas teamwork focuses on the function of a group, but both are essential in the success equation. And by understanding the essence of both, you can increase the success of a team, and implicitly of your business.

The basics of a Team Building

You can look at them from two perspectives. The first one refers to the construction of a team through recruitment, or selecting members strategically from within the company or externally, but we do not refer to this aspect when discussing the actual team building activity. The second one refers to the involvement in personalized activities to improve personal and professional relationships within a team by organizing a team building. These having the role of cohesion, productivity and efficiency.

The basics of teamwork

Effective teamwork is based on factors such as good communication, mutual respect, complementary skills, good leadership and well-defined procedures. All this bringing success to a team.

Why is it important to organize a team building for your team?

  1. Improve communication – activities that involve discussions enable open communication between employees and management. And implicitly they lead to the improvement of relations and create a qualitative framework for the actual work.
  2. Motivate the team – as work teams become more open in expressing their opinions , the more confident they become in their own capabilities. Thus, they become more motivated in accepting new challenges.
  3. Promotes creativity – by exposing teams to new experiences you give them the opportunity to get out of the routine of office. Working together with other teams they can offer creative solutions to each other, so office work can also get other perspectives.
  4. Develop skills – from strategic, rational to creativity and offering solutions .
  5. Break down barriers – here we mean trusting other team members. For example, in large companies there is a barrier between the management body and the implementation teams. Team building activities offer the opportunity for management to take the position of colleague in the team. Which is an encouraging thing.

In conclusion

Bring that fantastic team building energy to the office! Whether we are talking about activities that also have a physical result, whether the result is one of attitude and energy.

For example, Big Picture – is an activity where teams paint a huge work that can be put on one of the walls of the building. Thus, seeing it 5/7 days they can remember with enthusiasm how pleasant it was in “that” teambuilding.


This is the thought that is recommended to have in mind when you decide to organize a team building for your team. It must have a development objective behind it, without forcing members to participate. The respective objective is indicated to be linked to one of the business objectives.

The effectiveness of such an event lies, in fact, in its appropriation in the staff development strategy and a follow-up workshop.


Team building – Everything you need to know about it

14 Jan 2020

In most definitions given, team building is a process of motivating a team to achieve its goal, by improving interpersonal relationships.

But we know that a team building is, in fact, something more than that. His success involves several aspects – perfect organization, correct communication and activities suited to the profile of the team. 

Looking at the last few years, we could see how companies have evolved from environments based on competitiveness to those where cooperation and collaboration between teams is the key to the success of a business. 

But what are the benefits of a team building for my team?

  • Increasing productivity – one of the most important objectives. Behind team activities should be improving the 3Ps – processes, policies and procedures, i.e. improving team productivity.
  • Increasing motivation – when a team returns from a such an event creates a momentum – well-being, feels the energy created by the whole group, increases confidence in the purpose of the company and its management, and also sees the support provided by the organization.
  • Collaboration – goes without saying, collaboration is its equivalent. We don’t believe there are team building activities without the collaboration component. But what does collaboration really mean? Knowing who to turn to for certain information, trusting and being able to rely on people and vice versa. We are happy to see teams where the collaboration has gone further and turned into friendships outside the office as well.
  • Creativity – the greater the diversity among the personalities of the people in the team the more beneficial it is to the company. Different perspectives, experiences and expertise help the organization become a pool of new ideas. The tasks in the workshops give the teams the opportunity to give free rein to their imagination, thus coming up with creative solutions.
  • Positivism – events organized for your team can be a great opportunity to show recognition for efforts made and results achieved. Including reward activities & recognition you also send a strong message about what success means in the company.
  • Improved communication – probably the key benefit is improving communication between your colleagues. Activities, in addition to having fun, give your colleagues the opportunity to get to know each other better, build trust and encourage commonalities between them. 
  • Moments of achievement – or the so-called “aha moments”, are a major benefit of team building, helping participants to make important connections between theory and practice.

Teambuilding activities are a powerful tool to develop collaboration and trust, increase motivation and focus the strengths of a team. But before you choose from the multitude of ideas, you need to have a well-defined goal and a detailed planning, otherwise it will just be an outing outside the office. 

Team building = Team drinking?

Gone are the days when a team event meant just going out to a cabin somewhere in the mountains, partying and having barbecues. 

We are not saying that these things have disappeared, but we are saying that these things have evolved and turned into indoor or outdoor team building activities, in Bucharest, near Bucharest, in the mountains, at the sea or even outside the country.&nbsp ;

The fun didn’t disappear, on the contrary, it took a different form. All the activities and ideas present in the Universum portfolio have a fun component and let’s not forget what I mentioned above about positivism. 

However, the most important thing in evolution is the objective of such an event. As a rule, the brief given to the agency mentions the reality of the team, both good and bad. From this, the business development team tailors a suite of activities to support the team’s reality. 

As far as the impact of digitisation in the context of teambuilding is concerned, it is quite high, as it eases certain aspects of running an activity, especially when it comes to large groups, and also has a familiarisation role with technology for some participants. We have and are developing more and more concepts with a digital component, either through apps on ipad / smartphone, or complex polls conducted online, but at the same time, the non-digital or ‘hands-on’ component retains its importance. 

The icing on the cake is the debrief. This direct discussion between facilitators or lead facilitator and teams where they conclude the activities experienced. 

How do you know if it was useful for your team?

An event that has not reached its goal can only be a resource consumer. That’s why, when you look at your team, at the end of the event you should receive the answer to its success.

Efficiency can be measured in the following way:

·        Establish a baseline and long-term goals for your team;

·        See what a successful team looks like;

·        Ask for feedback from participants;

·        Look at it as a long-term investment for your team.

How do I know what suits my team?

In the Universum portfolio you can find over 100 activity ideas. If you were to go through each one, it would mean sitting with an old almanac in your arms for several hours. We recommend that you contact our colleagues to receive information about them, but until then you can take a look at the selections already made by us:

·       12 Ideas of Activities for small groups

·      10 Activity Ideas for large groups

·      5 Ideas for High-Tech Activities

After an event, our joy, as an organizing team, is the happiness we receive from participants and companies, and this can be expressed in the following words:

“Collaboration with the Universum Events team was at the highest standards, you are professionals in the truest sense of the word and what you do is a benchmark in the field. Keep it away!”

–        Xerox

“I liked the way we interacted and the involvement of the facilitators throughout the teambuilding, not just during the activities. There were new, dynamic and attractive exercises, and the props provided were very comprehensive.”

–        Coca Cola HBC Romania

“It was the first time I worked with the Universum team and the experience itself was very pleasant. They responded promptly to all kinds of requirements for which they had very little time left and which they achieved successfully. They identified solutions to reduce costs but kept everything they delivered to the same high standard. I warmly recommend them for any kind of corporate event and not only.”

–        Rompetrol

As far as the impact of digitisation in the context of teambuilding is concerned, it is quite high, as it eases certain aspects of running an activity, especially when it comes to large groups, and also has a familiarisation role with technology for some participants. We have and are developing more and more concepts with a digital component, either through apps on ipad / smartphone, or complex polls conducted online, but at the same time, the non-digital or ‘hands-on’ component retains its importance. 

The icing on the cake is the debrief. This direct discussion between facilitators or lead facilitator and teams where they conclude the activities experienced. 

How do you know if it was useful for your team?

An event that has not reached its goal can only be a resource consumer. That’s why, when you look at your team, at the end of the event you should receive the answer to its success.

Efficiency can be measured in the following way:

·        Establish a baseline and long-term goals for your team;

·        See what a successful team looks like;

·        Ask for feedback from participants;

·        Look at it as a long-term investment for your team.

How do I know what suits my team?

In the Universum portfolio you can find over 100 activity ideas. If you were to go through each one, it would mean sitting with an old almanac in your arms for several hours. We recommend that you contact our colleagues to receive information about them, but until then you can take a look at the selections already made by us:

·       12 Ideas of Activities for small groups

·      10 Activity Ideas for large groups

·      5 Ideas for High-Tech Activities

After an event, our joy, as an organizing team, is the happiness we receive from participants and companies, and this can be expressed in the following words:

“Collaboration with the Universum Events team was at the highest standards, you are professionals in the truest sense of the word and what you do is a benchmark in the field. Keep it away!”

–        Xerox

“I liked the way we interacted and the involvement of the facilitators throughout the teambuilding, not just during the activities. There were new, dynamic and attractive exercises, and the props provided were very comprehensive.”

–        Coca Cola HBC Romania

“It was the first time I worked with the Universum team and the experience itself was very pleasant. They responded promptly to all kinds of requirements for which they had very little time left and which they achieved successfully. They identified solutions to reduce costs but kept everything they delivered to the same high standard. I warmly recommend them for any kind of corporate event and not only.”

–        Rompetrol

The red line of the experience for participants starts when they first make contact with the event, through a teaser or internal newsletter and continues with the event identity, from the name, depth and concept (e.g. “Conquering new frontiers”, “The road to excellence”), to details about the journey to the location, welcome, what they find in the room, the event agenda, to specific needs. All these little details, in the end, make a difference. And the experience continues even after participants leave the event: follow-up, photos, a final product from the event. 

As far as the impact of digitisation in the context of teambuilding is concerned, it is quite high, as it eases certain aspects of running an activity, especially when it comes to large groups, and also has a familiarisation role with technology for some participants. We have and are developing more and more concepts with a digital component, either through apps on ipad / smartphone, or complex polls conducted online, but at the same time, the non-digital or ‘hands-on’ component retains its importance. 

The icing on the cake is the debrief. This direct discussion between facilitators or lead facilitator and teams where they conclude the activities experienced. 

How do you know if it was useful for your team?

An event that has not reached its goal can only be a resource consumer. That’s why, when you look at your team, at the end of the event you should receive the answer to its success.

Efficiency can be measured in the following way:

·        Establish a baseline and long-term goals for your team;

·        See what a successful team looks like;

·        Ask for feedback from participants;

·        Look at it as a long-term investment for your team.

How do I know what suits my team?

In the Universum portfolio you can find over 100 activity ideas. If you were to go through each one, it would mean sitting with an old almanac in your arms for several hours. We recommend that you contact our colleagues to receive information about them, but until then you can take a look at the selections already made by us:

·       12 Ideas of Activities for small groups

·      10 Activity Ideas for large groups

·      5 Ideas for High-Tech Activities

After an event, our joy, as an organizing team, is the happiness we receive from participants and companies, and this can be expressed in the following words:

“Collaboration with the Universum Events team was at the highest standards, you are professionals in the truest sense of the word and what you do is a benchmark in the field. Keep it away!”

–        Xerox

“I liked the way we interacted and the involvement of the facilitators throughout the teambuilding, not just during the activities. There were new, dynamic and attractive exercises, and the props provided were very comprehensive.”

–        Coca Cola HBC Romania

“It was the first time I worked with the Universum team and the experience itself was very pleasant. They responded promptly to all kinds of requirements for which they had very little time left and which they achieved successfully. They identified solutions to reduce costs but kept everything they delivered to the same high standard. I warmly recommend them for any kind of corporate event and not only.”

–        Rompetrol

The red line of the experience for participants starts when they first make contact with the event, through a teaser or internal newsletter and continues with the event identity, from the name, depth and concept (e.g. “Conquering new frontiers”, “The road to excellence”), to details about the journey to the location, welcome, what they find in the room, the event agenda, to specific needs. All these little details, in the end, make a difference. And the experience continues even after participants leave the event: follow-up, photos, a final product from the event. 

As far as the impact of digitisation in the context of teambuilding is concerned, it is quite high, as it eases certain aspects of running an activity, especially when it comes to large groups, and also has a familiarisation role with technology for some participants. We have and are developing more and more concepts with a digital component, either through apps on ipad / smartphone, or complex polls conducted online, but at the same time, the non-digital or ‘hands-on’ component retains its importance. 

The icing on the cake is the debrief. This direct discussion between facilitators or lead facilitator and teams where they conclude the activities experienced. 

How do you know if it was useful for your team?

An event that has not reached its goal can only be a resource consumer. That’s why, when you look at your team, at the end of the event you should receive the answer to its success.

Efficiency can be measured in the following way:

·        Establish a baseline and long-term goals for your team;

·        See what a successful team looks like;

·        Ask for feedback from participants;

·        Look at it as a long-term investment for your team.

How do I know what suits my team?

In the Universum portfolio you can find over 100 activity ideas. If you were to go through each one, it would mean sitting with an old almanac in your arms for several hours. We recommend that you contact our colleagues to receive information about them, but until then you can take a look at the selections already made by us:

·       12 Ideas of Activities for small groups

·      10 Activity Ideas for large groups

·      5 Ideas for High-Tech Activities

After an event, our joy, as an organizing team, is the happiness we receive from participants and companies, and this can be expressed in the following words:

“Collaboration with the Universum Events team was at the highest standards, you are professionals in the truest sense of the word and what you do is a benchmark in the field. Keep it away!”

–        Xerox

“I liked the way we interacted and the involvement of the facilitators throughout the teambuilding, not just during the activities. There were new, dynamic and attractive exercises, and the props provided were very comprehensive.”

–        Coca Cola HBC Romania

“It was the first time I worked with the Universum team and the experience itself was very pleasant. They responded promptly to all kinds of requirements for which they had very little time left and which they achieved successfully. They identified solutions to reduce costs but kept everything they delivered to the same high standard. I warmly recommend them for any kind of corporate event and not only.”

–        Rompetrol

Tired of Secret Santa?

20 Nov 2019

Now that you’ve opened this article… surely the answer is yes.

Yes, you’re bored ofthe basic Secret Santaand definitely want an upgrade. Christmas at the office deserves more than just handing out gifts left and right. We can try a few activations during the day and of course, a party in the evening (which, by the way, we are very good at – check them out!).

Today we’re talking about what we can do in a day (or more) at the office to increase team entertaining and give a twist to the famous Secret Santa.  When it comes time to choose a gift for one of our colleagues, many questions arise: “What would he like?”, “Where could I find the gift?”, “When could I go shopping?”, etc.

To help you and get rid of these uncertainties, we propose some funny and original ideas for a different and “relaxed” Secret Santa.

Hoop throwing

It’s perfect for when you want to bring a fun vibe to your Christmas party, as well as being funny… it also gets the blood flowing. 🙂

Just like in the traditional Secret Santa, we have to set the budget for the gifts from the beginning. This time, for general gifts, not for a specific person.  Once the gifts are bought, it is best to gather them all under the tree in the office (because what is Christmas without a tree?).

After you’ve taken the famous pictures of the dozens of presents, it’s essential to place all the presents methodically on the floor, grouped, across the room. On each gift, place a small object so that a plastic circle can easily fit over it. Examples for these objects can be: a bottle, a hat, a glass, etc.

When you decide to distribute the gifts, group into teams and assign each team a group of gifts. Then, in turn, everyone on the team tries to throw the hoop over the object. Whoever succeeds, keeps the gift, whoever doesn’t, loses his turn and waits for another turn.

Balloon Sprint

If the hoop toss got your blood pumping a bit, the balloon sprint will give you a small dose of adrenaline as well as a good opportunity for fun. We keep the same  start, budget + gifts, and once the gifts are bought, the person in charge collects them all before the party.

Assign each gift a number, then write the same numbers on small pieces of paper as well. Put the pieces of paper into the balloons so that each balloon contains a number, then blow up all the balloons.

At the party, fill the room with the balloons you just prepared and line everyone up against the wall. Count to 3 and start the game! Each of you has to catch a balloon, then you have to break that balloon to find the number inside, and that number is the pair of a number on a gift.

Treasure hunt

Continuing with the movement idea, another fun idea is the treasure hunt! The first part already you know, budget + gifts + bundle of gifts. Apooooo Ahide the gifts around the office in the most unusual places possible, then note where you hid them so you can give clues to your colleagues. Ideally you would provide a document with these clues, either physically or sent a link to all colleagues.

Everyone starts by entering the office, and when someone finds a gift, they keep it and exit the game so they can give other colleagues a chance to find theirs the much sought after gift.

Secret Santa Thematic (for small groups)

As the title suggests, we offer you a classic Secret Santa, but with a new twist. 

Set a theme from the beginning, such as: Super Heroes, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc.  For this example we decided to use recycling.

Once you’ve chosen your theme, set your budget. Each of you will need to buy gifts that come from recycled materials. This time, you can buy specific gifts for the assigned person.

We know there’s a Grinch in every office…or even more, but we promise even they’ll be amused and entertained if you decide to make a Secret Santa different. 

We hope that we have sparked your curiosity and creativity with these unique ideas, and if you want to implement such a concept, either for the Christmas party or for a fun day at the office , contact us and we will find the perfect option together!

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Tips & Tricks – Winter 2019/2020

11 Nov 2019

-for a full blog experience play one of the songs below while reading the article-

Do you also feel the asthenic vibe of the approaching winter??❄️

With capital city traffic, quite a lot of fog in the morning and two or three seasons during the day, cold nose when you get to the office and full coffee or tea. It’s clear, winter is coming.

Word is circulating around the Universum office about this winter’s trends, that we have them, that we don’t have them, that we seem to be a bit tired of them and that we prefer to be unique… so a little jotting down of ideas surely helps.

It is not difficult to see how events support the development of the company. ?️‍♀️?

Claaaaar events strengthen relationships between people. They can relax the atmosphere in the team and turn it into a cool one, they strengthen the relationship between colleagues, the relationship with partners and/or customers and give us reasons to continue development. Regardless of the field in which we work, end-of-year events are the best opportunity to celebrate results and set plans for the future.

Whether we’re talking about awarding people or talking about events between companies, activating a brand or changing the thinking of a team, all opportunities to generate networking must be fruitful. By the way, have you read the article about brand activations in big festivals? It’s full of vibes à la Universum.

When all trends lead to digitization and all-around technology, then we invest more in face-to-face networking opportunities. ?? ??‍♀️

We tend to lose contact with those around us when we are assaulted by technology, at home or in the office, on the road or at events… we feel the disconnectionstep by step. That is precisely why we emphasize, in every event, the experience of the participants. With the help of impeccable implementations, we encourage the full involvement of those present, during the entire event. And we are no exception when we make the most of technology in our events. And yes, we do use it. 🙂

In the event industry, trends come and go, especially winter trends. ?☃️

Because we’re talking about networking events here, and because we’re saying Winter is coming more and more often, we’re blogging the most important ideas for this winter. Winter events are best thought out in the spring. And no, it’s not early at all! Because the availability of some locations is not an element to be neglected. So we suggest you follow this “trend” every year.

Namely: reserve your location in advance. ⏰

Also, consider the days of the week. Why? They bring super flexibility for you at the location, you have lower costs and the guarantee that no one puts pressure on you with other events held in parallel. Pluuuuus, you have every chance to have a lot more people come to your party than on the weekend (because in the winter we tend to go out more and more often…:P).

The event coordinator is like the wedding planner. ??‍?⚖️??‍?

You clearly want a stress-free event! You have time to drink, have fun, socialize with all the colleagues you don’t see very often. Beyond that… the dedicated project manager probably has more experience managing the event than anyone in-house. Trust and hire a company specialized in events to take care of every detail for your party. And contrary to what the world says in the market, the investment in the event is guaranteed to be much more cost-effective because… well… the experience in events brings advantages of its own. 😀

If you want to give for Christmas, do it! But don’t forget to help the rest of the year too! ?

Or whenever you have the chance? When we talk about humanitarian campaigns in winter, the world tends to activate instantly. Go for gift drives, fundraisers, landscaping and the list goes on. There are a multitude of ways in which companies can increase humanitarian efforts, contributing to local, national or global sustainable development.

Events that include CSR components are extremely important because companies generally have a lot of resources to make real changes. In addition, consumers sense when a company is doing something that makes a real difference and is fair to everyone, regardless the cause.

So don’t be afraid to propose social responsibility components in the events you create. What’s more, see the article that I wrote some time ago about the benefits of CSR in organizations and let us know when you want to help! 🙂

Inspiration is right in front of us. ?

We don’t shy away from staging themed parties inspired by movies, important events or events that have an impact, either nationally or internationally. This winter we come up with more and more original ideas, obviously customized for the location, the number of people and the budget we have. And as an idea, in addition to the various themes, this year we also believe a lot in the simple Christmas theme. When was the last time you went to a Christmas themed… Christmas event?

A theme is not just a name! ?

We are convinced that we can get all the butter out of a concept regardless of the work palette. There are all kinds of effective (and sometimes not very expensive) solutions through which you can use a party theme head-to-head: the well-known props (or props), the decoration and background from photobooths, the presentation and elements from the candy bar, visuals, decorations and lights that help you completely transform the atmosphere of a location. We have some concepts presented here, but clearly the palette is much bigger.


The conclusion is clear! What we can do this winter for you and your team is just a form away:

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Do you want a high tech team building this fall?

23 Sep 2019

       It’s September, Monday….

Universum headquarters, 10:12 a.m., a transport knocks on the door. The new super high tech team building concept has arrived on our tables.

After weeks of assembly and preparation, we have the complete portfolio with the most WOW high tech concepts. If you feel the need to add value to your team that excels with hard skills, we propose five high tech concepts dedicated to teams that want to improve essential soft skills.

  1. Red Alert!

It is an engaging experiential learning activity that improves teamwork and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging environment. The exciting theme and limited time frame ensure that everyone is engaged throughout the activity.

    2. The Infinite Loop

What is the difference between look and see?

By combining VR technology with game challenges, teams gradually develop the ability to identify puzzles and apply innovative thinking to solve them. Real-time communication is key to generating effective solutions during the game.

         3. Robots Revolution

Building the robot is a unique and engaging learning process. Team members have fun collaborating in this creative process, where each member’s involvement is crucial. Applying consistent attention to detail to assigned tasks is super important, keeping focus on the overall project goals and avoiding “the silo mentality.”


4. Peak Performance

Does Mount Everest seem like an unattainable dream? We offer you an interactive teambuilding activity that can dismantle this myth. With us, you can start your digital mountain expedition. An expedition day lasts 2 minutes, during which participants must complete a series of virtual tasks. Each team assumes the role of explorers for 20 days in which they must conquer Mount Everest.

5. Quickfire

Quick Fire involves delegation, leadership, team spirit and a flair for problem solving….so it’s an energetic activity that keeps everyone on the team engaged and motivated! It’s a fun and very challenging team activity that uses an interactive team interface. It has over 100 tasks spread over 5 increasingly difficult levels, a bonus round and an all or nothing round


What do you choose? Contact us!

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How can you make your event more efficient in 3 seconds?

20 Sep 2019

If your impression was that you are opening another article about how you can revolutionize the world in three seconds by purchasing our product, then you will be pleased to know that no, this is not the case (so you can continue reading in peace :D).

The fact is that we cannot change the evolution of your world, but we can guarantee to influence it by making your event more efficient. From the very beginning, our goal has been to save you from wasted time, worry and hassle. And we say this because we tested them all and went through multiple situations until we found an effective solution that integrates the entire end-to-end management process of an event.

When you work in the events industry you run into mammoth situations that turn into mutants that need to be resolved quickly. We’re honest… and anyone who’s organized a B2B or B2C event at least once knows what we’re talking about here. Even though the two sectors do not appear to be related, various similar situations still occur.

You certainly resonate with us when we talk about the efficient management of attendees who have already registered online, those who register last minute or those who have not purchased tickets to the event at all, unregistered or missing invoices, or efficient lead recovery sales and networking.

We thought of nine simple reasons that led to the creation of the event management platform. Don’t rush, we don’t sell anything, we just present the premises from which we started the platform. Check them out and tell us how many you find yourself in. But please be honest! ?


  1. First and most important: I wanted the customization of the entire registration process!

In a world where all services are recommended to be “the best”, we present you the solution folded exactly to your needs. “Most”.

How does creating custom fields for your registration page, customizing tickets for attendees, or managing payments and invoices directly through the platform sound to you? If we are still in the century of speed, at least let’s save time checking multiple lists by having all the information about the participants in one place.

  1. Simplifying communication with participants?

Do we have multiple databases? It’s ok, don’t panic. We do one for the event, we filter the participants and send them e-mails, sms or automatic push-notifications, all compliant with GDPR regulations. There is no need to export and clean data as the format will remain consistent for all participants.

  1. Do we need an event mini-site?

Well, we liked that too. A lot. The fact that we can make the event website very easily using the website template platform in the app. We just need to upload the content, customize it with a concept and it’s ready to go! Cool, right?

  1. How about an efficient participant registration?

Easy as you say EVENT. We enable messaging, contact sharing and calendar sharing between participants so they can connect with each other and take advantage of networking opportunities. All this provided by the platform.

  1. Access and registration to the event sessions is a MUST HAVE.

Among the essentials of a good management system (almost all of them are, but no…) is allowing visitors to book sessions before the event. The fact that they have access to scheduled panels and can upload videos or presentations after the event makes the app even spicier. Not to mention that visitors can interact with the speaker(s) during the session, directly through the mobile app.


  1. LIVE! We are going live!

Among the most useful elements we find the use of statistics in real time, directly from the application. We track event visitors and thus identify live areas that need improvement. And so we also know which areas and sessions will be the most popular and we can also be prepared for traffic?.

  1. It’s all about the time! We don’t want to stand in line at the entrance to the event!

Participants receive their unique access codes via text or email. As I wish. Our advice: have it handy when they arrive at the event so they can quickly access the event.

  1. Customize in less than 3 seconds?

With the single code at hand, printers at registration offices can automatically print personalized badges once the codes are entered on the tablets. In less than 3 seconds we have a badge with your name on it. With a little efficiency, in 5 seconds you have it on the carrier.

  1. Easy follow-up for participants? DIVINE!

One of the best ways to ensure event success is by scanning attendees to track where they are, so we allocate resources efficiently and improve each event.


When you get to know us you will notice that we don’t like artifices, pompous words or ideas hidden behind subtleties, because in our field no one wins with subtleties. You want a system with certain specifications, then be as specific as possible.

We are MyConnector. Part of Universum Events. We have developed an integrated system for the management of participants, from online registration to the check-in process and the actual entry into the premises of the organized event. As you can tell, we have an event platform with a number of extremely useful options and features. Because we rely 70% on networking in any event, the innovative design of the application makes it easy for anyone to use, facilitating registrations and the exchange of information for networking.

Do you have ideas that can improve event management? Come to our booth at GoTech World on October 2-3, 2019 near the Martech stage and let’s get to know each other . We are friendly.