Peak Performance - Universum



Peak Performance


1.5 - 3 hours

number of participants

Minimum 8

type of activity


Ideal for

cross-functional cooperation, energising a conference, fun & motivating, management of change, networking, negociation, practical leadership, project planning, risk management, creativity, team dynamic, team spirit

Teams manage resources and monitor conditions, instructing their guides (up and down) Mount Everest over a 20-day expedition.

Due to the complexity of the game, team members must take on individual roles, acquiring knowledge, effectively communicating and successfully completing physical challenges.

They decide on how they will move their guides each day and enter it into the game tablet. The team with the most points is declared the winner.

The event facilitator explains the game and shows a video which introduces participants to the complexities of organising and facilitating an expedition to summit Mount Everest.

Teams consider the varying conditions in order to decide on an optimal strategy for that day. Throughout the game teams can complete any of the six physical challenges in order to gain additional points.

Results: An experiential learning tool where participants learn, through the use of an engaging theme with tactile components, how to connect fun and relevant links to their business environment.

The Peak Performance App also has an optional ‘Training Mode’ which allows teams to review and improve their team dynamics before the start of the game.

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