Need 4 Speed - Universum



Need 4 Speed


1 - 2 hours

number of participants

Minimum 10

type of activity


Need 4 Speed


1 - 2 hours

number of participants

Minimum 10

type of activity


Ideal for

energising a conference, explore excellence, fun & motivating, management of change, practical leadership, project planning, strategic communication, team dynamic

We’re bringing Top Gear to the board! Need 4 Speed is a miniature study in movement and time, a fast-paced activity that encourages participants to analyse and improve their performance both individually and as a group.
Faced with a jumble of components, teams must step on the gas and build a series of two-stroke, three-motion concept cars. Optimizing the process is critical as teams are challenged to form super-efficient assembly lines and decrease the build times of each model. The pressure increases because each model has to be built in a different style, with specific characteristics.
Quality is everything: the final result, from limousine models to sports cars, has to meet the customer’s expectations down to the smallest detail.

Speed will be rewarded! As the learning process progresses and each sample is analysed, the focus shifts from individual team times to sharing best practices for achieving the best assembly times at group level. Best times are analyzed against previous “best” times.

Never has they been a more important time to explore process improvement!

Results: There has never been a better time to explore how to improve a process! Need 4 Speed is an ideal platform to generate discussion in a practical and interactive context.

The uber-cool design of the cars and the tactile nature of the challenge are sure to awaken the ready-to-play child and new experiences in you and zour team members.

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