Break Out Bingo - Online - Universum



Break Out Bingo


20 minutes - 1 hour


Minimum 10



Ideal for

team bonding, motivation, team dynamics, wellbeing, networking, energy & focus

Break Out Bingo is a fast-paced networking energizer, where individuals complete a virtual Bingo Card. After downloading our instructional app, participants are ready to enter the game via a video conferencing platform.


A charismatic host meets the players and splits them into small breakout groups and into round one where they each ask one question from their virtual Bingo Card. These ‘pop-up’ questions are related to fun facts, career achievements or intriguing personal accolades, i.e. “Who in this breakout room has been on TV before?”


Answers are entered into the interactive app. Any player can score on any questions maintaining a competitive, yet, inclusive atmosphere. After just three minutes, they enter a new breakout group and the process starts again. After the second round, everyone comes back together to get fully energised and eager to share their latest discoveries. In the following rounds, they connect again in different groups and are about to shout BINGO!

Results: The start of online meetings can often be awkward, especially when not all participants are familiar. A friendly energiser can help your audience feel at ease and more open to express themselves in business matters ahead.


Break Out Bingo is a fun team building session, able to connect the group from the get-go. Relationships are essential in all organizations and a productive, highly connected workforce is an incredible asset to any organization.

Break Out Bingo encourages people to get to know each other on a personal level even when they are working from different locations. Recognizing common ground, improving communication skills and exploring ways to have fun ‘digitally’ is essential in motivating remote teams.

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