Company Got Talent - Universum



Company Got Talent


3-8 hours


Minimum 16



Ideal for

fun and energizing, motivation, employee’s loyalty & enthusiasm

We invite you to discover your talented colleagues!

From the moment you enter you will be greeted by an energetic atmosphere where you can let your feelings and emotions come out in their purest form, through dance and music.

To spice things up a bit, the event can turn into a dance competition between employees, between departments. This way, the battle is more fun and involves more motivation.

Participants can demonstrate their skills by dancing or simply singing their favourite song.

Activities involving art have always yielded the best results, thanks to creativity, assertive communication and team spirit, all key elements in winning a music or dance competition but also valuable skills within a company that wants to have loyal, enthusiastic employees.

Beyond the more rigorous scenarios that challenge participants to step out of their comfort zone, Company got Talent comes to balance those activations in a more fun and energizing way.

Contact us

Your journey with Universum, for the guarantee of your success, has started! Our colleagues will get back to your request as soon as possible.